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father damien-第3部分

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is an ordeal from which the nerves of a man's spirit shrink; even

as his eye quails under the brightness of the sun; you would have

felt it was (even today) a pitiful place to visit and a hell to

dwell in。  It is not the fear of possible infection。  That seems a

little thing when compared with the pain; the pity; and the disgust

of the visitor's surroundings; and the atmosphere of affliction;

disease; and physical disgrace in which he breathes。  I do not

think I am a man more than usually timid; but I never recall the

days and nights I spent upon that island promontory (eight days and

seven nights); without heartfelt thankfulness that I am somewhere

else。  I find in my diary that I speak of my stay as a 〃grinding

experience〃: I have once jotted in the margin; 〃HARROWING is the

word〃; and when the MOKOLII bore me at last towards the outer

world; I kept repeating to myself; with a new conception of their

pregnancy; those simple words of the song …

〃 'Tis the most distressful country that ever yet was seen。〃

And observe: that which I saw and suffered from was a settlement

purged; bettered; beautified; the new village built; the hospital

and the Bishop…Home excellently arranged; the sisters; the poctor;

and the missionaries; all indefatigable in their noble tasks。  It

was a different place when Damien came there and made this great

renunciation; and slept that first night under a tree amidst his

rotting brethren: alone with pestilence; and looking forward (with

what courage; with what pitiful sinkings of dread; God only knows)

to a lifetime of dressing sores and stumps。

You will say; perhaps; I am too sensitive; that sights as painful

abound in cancer hospitals and are confronted daily by doctors and

nurses。  I have long learned to admire and envy the doctors and the

nurses。  But there is no cancer hospital so large and populous as

Kalawao and Kalaupapa; and in such a matter every fresh case; like

every inch of length in the pipe of an organ; deepens the note of

the impression; for what daunts the onlooker is that monstrous sum

of human suffering by which he stands surrounded。  Lastly; no

doctor or nurse is called upon to enter once for all the doors of

that gehenna; they do not say farewell; they need not abandon hope;

on its sad threshold; they but go for a time to their high calling;

and can look forward as they go to relief; to recreation; and to

rest。  But Damien shut…to with his own hand the doors of his own


I shall now extract three passages from my diary at Kalawao。

A。  〃Damien is dead and already somewhat ungratefully remembered in

the field of his labours and sufferings。  'He was a good man; but

very officious;' says one。  Another tells me he had fallen (as

other priests so easily do) into something of the ways and habits

of thought of a Kanaka; but he had the wit to recognise the fact;

and the good sense to laugh at〃 'over' 〃it。  A plain man it seems

he was; I cannot find he was a popular。〃

B。  〃After Ragsdale's death〃 'Ragsdale was a famous Luna; or

overseer; of the unruly settlement' 〃there followed a brief term of

office by Father Damien which served only to publish the weakness

of that noble man。  He was rough in his ways; and he had no

control。  Authority was relaxed; Damien's life was threatened; and

he was soon eager to resign。〃

C。  〃Of Damien I begin to have an idea。  He seems to have been a

man of the peasant class; certainly of the peasant type: shrewd;

ignorant and bigoted; yet with an open mind; and capable of

receiving and digesting a reproof if it were bluntly administered;

superbly generous in the least thing as well as in the greatest;

and as ready to give his last shirt (although not without human

grumbling) as he had been to sacrifice his life; essentially

indiscreet and officious; which made him a troublesome colleague;

domineering in all his ways; which made him incurably unpopular

with the Kanakas; but yet destitute of real authority; so that his

boys laughed at him and he must carry out his wishes by the means

of bribes。  He learned to have a mania for doctoring; and set up

the Kanakas against the remedies of his regular rivals: perhaps (if

anything matter at all in the treatment of such a disease) the

worst thing that he did; and certainly the easiest。  The best and

worst of the man appear very plainly in his dealings with Mr。

Chapman's money; he had originally laid it out〃 'intended to lay it

out' 〃entirely for the benefit of Catholics; and even so not

wisely; but after a long; plain talk; he admitted his error fully

and revised the list。  The sad state of the boys' home is in part

the result of his lack of control; in part; of his own slovenly

ways and false ideas of hygiene。  Brother officials used to call it

'Damien's Chinatown。'  'Well;' they would say; 'your Chinatown

keeps growing。'  And he would laugh with perfect good…nature; and

adhere to his errors with perfect obstinacy。  So much I have

gathered of truth about this plain; noble human brother and father

of ours; his imperfections are the traits of his face; by which we

know him for our fellow; his martyrdom and his example nothing can

lessen or annul; and only a person here on the spot can properly

appreciate their greatness。〃

I have set down these private passages; as you perceive; without

correction; thanks to you; the public has them in their bluntness。

They are almost a list of the man's faults; for it is rather these

that I was seeking: with his virtues; with the heroic profile of

his life; I and the world were already sufficiently acquainted。  I

was besides a little suspicious of Catholic testimony; in no ill

sense; but merely because Damien's admirers and disciples were the

least likely to be critical。  I know you will be more suspicious

still; and the facts set down above were one and all collected from

the lips of Protestants who had opposed the father in his life。

Yet I am strangely deceived; or they build up the image of a man;

with all his weakness; essentially heroic; and alive with rugged

honesty; generosity; and mirth。

Take it for what it is; rough private jottings of the worst sides

of Damien's character; collected from the lips of those who had

laboured with and (in your own phrase) 〃knew the man〃; … though I

question whether Damien would have said that he knew you。  Take it;

and observe with wonder how well you were served by your gossips;

how ill by your intelligence and sympathy; in how many points of

fact we are at one; and how widely our appreciations vary。  There

is something wrong here; either with you or me。  It is possible;

for instance; that you; who seem to have so many ears in Kalawao;

had heard of the affair of Mr。 Chapman's money; and were singly

struck by Damien's intended wrong…doing。  I was struck with that

also; and set it fairly down; but I was struck much more by the

fact that he had the honesty of mind to be convinced。  I may here

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