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the dore lectures on mental science-第12部分

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 formed; capable of being the link between  the great Spiritual Power of the universal and the manifestation of the relative in time and space because it consciously partakes of both; and because the individual of this class recognizes the singleness of the Spirit as the starting  point of all things; he endeavours to withdraw his mind from all arguments derived from external conditions; whether past or present; and to fix it upon the forward movement of the Spirit which he knows to be always identical both in the universe and in himself。 He ceases the attempt to dictate to the Spirit; because he does not see in it a mere blind force; but reveres it as the Supreme Intelligence: and on the other hand he does not grovel before it in doubt and fear; because he knows it is one with himself and is realizing itself through him; and therefore cannot have any purpose antagonistic to his own individual welfare。 Realizing this he deliberately places his thoughts under the guidance of the Divine Spirit; knowing that his outward acts and conditions must thereby be brought into harmony with the great forward movement of the Spirit; not only at the stage he has now reached; but at all future stages。 He does not at all deny the power of his own thought as the creative agent in his own personal world;on the contrary it is precisely on the knowledge of this fact that his perception of the true adjustment between the principles of Life is based; but for this very reason he is the more solicitous to be led by that Wisdom which can see what he cannot see; so that his personal control over the conditions of his own life may be employed to its continual increase and development。

In this way our affirmation of the 〃I am〃 ceases to be the petulant assertion of our limited personality and becomes the affirmation that the Great I AM affirms its own I AM…ness both in us and through us; and thus our use of the words becomes in very truth the Great Affirmative; or that which is the root of all being as distinguished from that which has no being in itself but is merely externalized by being as the vehicle for its expression。 We shall realize our true place as subordinate creative centres; perfectly independent of existing conditions because the creative process is that of monogenesis and requires no other factor than the Spirit for its exercise; but at the same time subordinate to the Divine Spirit in the greatness of its inherent forward movement because there is only ONE Spirit and it cannot from one centre antagonize what it is doing from another。 Thus the Great Affirmation makes us children of the Great King; at once living in obedience to that Power which is above us; and exercising this same power over all that world of secondary causation which is below us。

Thus in our measure and station each one of us will receive the mission of the I AM。


〃Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the proph。ets: I am not come to destroy but to fulfil。〃 (Matt。 v。 17。)

〃Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth。〃 (Rom。 x。 4。)

If these words are the utterance of a mere sectarian superstition they are worthless; but if they are the statement of a great principle; then it is worth our while to enquire what that principle is。 The fulfilling of anything is the bringing into complete realization of all that it potentially contains; and so the filling of any law to its fulness means bringing out all the possibilities which are hidden in it。 This is precisely the method which has brought forth all the advances of material civilization。 The laws of nature are the same now that they were in the days of our rugged Anglo…Saxon ancestors; but they brought out only an infinitesimal fraction of the possibilities which those laws contain: now we have brought out a good deal more; but we have by no means exhausted them; and so we continue to advance; not by contradicting natural laws; but by more fully realizing their capacity。 Why should we not; then; apply the same method to ourselves and see whether there are no potentialities hidden away in the law of our own being which we have not as yet by any means brought to their fulfilment? We talk of a good time coming and of the ameliorating of the race; but do we reflect that the race is composed of individuals and that therefore real advance is to be made only by individual improvement; and not by Act of Parliament? and if so; then the individual with whom to begin is ourself。

The complete manifestation of the Law of Individuality is the end or purpose of the Bible teaching concerning Christ。 It is a teaching based upon Law; spiritual and mental; fully recognizing that no effect can be produced except by the operation of an adequate cause; and Christ is set before us both as explaining the causes and exhibiting the full measure of the effects。 All this is according to Law; and the importance of its being according to Law is that Law is universal; and the potentialities of the Law are therefore inherent in everyone there is no special law for anybody; but anybody can specialize the law by using it with a fuller understanding of how much can be got out of it; and the purpose of the Scripture teaching regarding Christ is to help us to do this。

The preceding lectures have led us step by step to see that the Originating Spirit; which first brought the world into existence; is also the root of our own individuality; and is therefore always ready; by its inherent nature; to continue the creative process from this individual stand…point as soon as the necessary conditions are provided; and these conditions are thought…conditions。 Then by realizing the relation of Christ to the Originating Mind; the Parent Spirit or 〃Father;〃 we receive a STANDARD of thought which is bound to act creatively bringing out all the potentialities of our hidden being。 Now the relation of Christ to the 〃Father〃 is that of the Architypal Idea in the All…creating Mind of which I have previously spoken; and so we arrive at the conception of the Christ…idea as a universal principle; and as being an idea therefore capable of reproduction in the individual Mind; thus explaining St。 Paul's meaning when he speaks of Christ being formed in us。 It is here that the principle of monogenesis comes in; that principle which I have endeavoured to describe in the earlier part of the present series as originating the whole manifested creation by an internal action of the Spirit upon itself; and it is the entire absence of control by any second power that renders the realization in external actuality of a purely mental ideal possible。 For this reason systematic spiritual study commences with the contemplation of the existing cosmos; and we then transfer the conception of the monogenetic power of the Spirit from the cosmos to the individual and realize that the same Spirit is able to do the same thing in ourselves。 This is the New Thought which in time will fulfil itself in the New Order; and we thus provide new thought…conditions which enable the Spirit to carry on its creative work from a new stand…point; that of our own individuality。 This attainment by the Spirit of a new starting…point i
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