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the house of pride and other tales of hawaii-第23部分

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south for a moment。  Look at the way I've been sweating。'

〃He sighed and wiped the sweat from his forehead as he started to 

step toward the bar。

〃'It is no joke;' Kaluna said abruptly。  I looked murder at him; and 

I felt murder; too。  But I dared not speak or strike。  That would 

have precipitated the catastrophe which I somehow had a mad hope of 

still averting。

〃'It is no joke;' Kaluna repeated。  'You are a leper; Lyte Gregory; 

and you've no right putting your hands on honest men's fleshon the 

clean flesh of honest men。'

〃Then Gregory flared up。

〃'The joke has gone far enough!  Quit it!  Quit it; I say; Kaluna; 

or I'll give you a beating!'

〃'You undergo a bacteriological examination;' Kaluna answered; 'and 

then you can beat meto death; if you want to。  Why; man; look at 

yourself there in the glass。  You can see it。  Anybody can see it。  

You're developing the lion face。  See where the skin is darkened 

there over your eyes。

〃Lyte peered and peered; and I saw his hands trembling。

〃'I can see nothing;' he said finally; then turned on the hapa…

haole。  'You have a black heart; Kaluna。  And I am not ashamed to 

say that you have given me a scare that no man has a right to give 

another。  I take you at your word。  I am going to settle this thing 

now。  I am going straight to Doc Strowbridge。  And when I come back; 

watch out。'

〃He never looked at us; but started for the door。

〃'You wait here; John;' he said; waving me back from accompanying 


〃We stood around like a group of ghosts。

〃'It is the truth;' Kaluna said。  'You could see it for yourselves。'

〃They looked at me; and I nodded。  Harry Burnley lifted his glass to 

his lips; but lowered it untasted。  He spilled half of it over the 

bar。  His lips were trembling like a child that is about to cry。  

Ned Austin made a clatter in the ice…chest。  He wasn't looking for 

anything。  I don't think he knew what he was doing。  Nobody spoke。  

Harry Burnley's lips were trembling harder than ever。  Suddenly; 

with a most horrible; malignant expression he drove his fist into 

Kaluna's face。  He followed it up。  We made no attempt to separate 

them。  We didn't care if he killed the half…caste。  It was a 

terrible beating。  We weren't interested。  I don't even remember 

when Burnley ceased and let the poor devil crawl away。  We were all 

too dazed。

〃Doc Strowbridge told me about it afterward。  He was working late 

over a report when Lyte came into his office。  Lyte had already 

recovered his optimism; and came swinging in; a trifle angry with 

Kaluna to be sure; but very certain of himself。  'What could I do?' 

Doc asked me。  'I knew he had it。  I had seen it coming on for 

months。  I couldn't answer him。  I couldn't say yes。  I don't mind 

telling you I broke down and cried。  He pleaded for the 

bacteriological test。  〃Snip out a piece; Doc;〃 he said; over and 

over。  〃Snip out a piece of skin and make the test。〃

〃The way Doc Strowbridge cried must have convinced Lyte。  The 

Claudine was leaving next morning for Honolulu。  We caught him when 

he was going aboard。  You see; he was headed for Honolulu to give 

himself up to the Board of Health。  We could do nothing with him。  

He had sent too many to Molokai to hang back himself。  We argued for 

Japan。  But he wouldn't hear of it。  'I've got to take my medicine; 

fellows;' was all he would say; and he said it over and over。  He 

was obsessed with the idea。

〃He wound up all his affairs from the Receiving Station at Honolulu; 

and went down to Molokai。  He didn't get on well there。  The 

resident physician wrote us that he was a shadow of his old self。  

You see he was grieving about his wife and the kids。  He knew we 

were taking care of them; but it hurt him just the same。  After six 

months or so I went down to Molokai。  I sat on one side a plate…

glass window; and he on the other。  We looked at each other through 

the glass and talked through what might be called a speaking tube。  

But it was hopeless。  He had made up his mind to remain。  Four 

mortal hours I argued。  I was exhausted at the end。  My steamer was 

whistling for me; too。

〃But we couldn't stand for it。  Three months later we chartered the 

schooner Halcyon。  She was an opium smuggler; and she sailed like a 

witch。  Her master was a squarehead who would do anything for money; 

and we made a charter to China worth his while。  He sailed from San 

Francisco; and a few days later we took out Landhouse's sloop for a 

cruise。  She was only a five…ton yacht; but we slammed her fifty 

miles to windward into the north…east trade。  Seasick?  I never 

suffered so in my life。  Out of sight of land we picked up the 

Halcyon; and Burnley and I went aboard。

〃We ran down to Molokai; arriving about eleven at night。  The 

schooner hove to and we landed through the surf in a whale…boat at 

Kalawaothe place; you know; where Father Damien died。  That 

squarehead was game。  With a couple of revolvers strapped on him he 

came right along。  The three of us crossed the peninsula to 

Kalaupapa; something like two miles。  Just imagine hunting in the 

dead of night for a man in a settlement of over a thousand lepers。  

You see; if the alarm was given; it was all off with us。  It was 

strange ground; and pitch dark。  The leper's dogs came out and bayed 

at us; and we stumbled around till we got lost。

〃The squarehead solved it。  He led the way into the first detached 

house。  We shut the door after us and struck a light。  There were 

six lepers。  We routed them up; and I talked in native。  What I 

wanted was a kokua。  A kokua is; literally; a helper; a native who 

is clean that lives in the settlement and is paid by the Board of 

Health to nurse the lepers; dress their sores; and such things。  We 

stayed in the house to keep track of the inmates; while the 

squarehead led one of them off to find a kokua。  He got him; and he 

brought him along at the point of his revolver。  But the kokua was 

all right。  While the squarehead guarded the house; Burnley and I 

were guided by the kokua to Lyte's house。  He was all alone。

〃'I thought you fellows would come;' Lyte said。  'Don't touch me; 

John。  How's Ned; and Charley; and all the crowd?  Never mind; tell 

me afterward。  I am ready to go now。  I've had nine months of it。  

Where's the boat?'

〃We started back for the other house to pick up the squarehead。  But 

the alarm had got out。  Lights were showing in the houses; and doors 

were slamming。  We had agreed that there was to be no shooting 

unless absolutely necessary; and when we were halted we went at it 

with our fists and the butts of our revolvers。  I found myself 

tangled up with a big man。  I couldn't keep him off me; though twice 

I smashed him fairly in the face with my fist。  He grappled with me; 

and we went down; rolling and scrambling and struggling for grips。  

He was getting aw
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