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the house of pride and other tales of hawaii-第26部分

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rejected。  Pending each rejection I still kept on writing fresh 

stuff。  I did not know what an editor looked like。  I did not know a 

soul who had ever published anything。  Finally a story was accepted 

by a Californian magazine; for which I received five dollars。  Soon 

afterwards 〃The Black Cat〃 offered me forty dollars for a story。

Then things took a turn; and I shall probably not have to shovel 

coal for a living for some time to come; although I have done it; 

and could do it again。

My first book was published in 1900。  I could have made a good deal 

at newspaper work; but I had sufficient sense to refuse to be a 

slave to that man…killing machine; for such I held a newspaper to be 

to a young man in his forming period。  Not until I was well on my 

feet as a magazine…writer did I do much work for newspapers。  I am a 

believer in regular work; and never wait for an inspiration。  

Temperamentally I am not only careless and irregular; but 

melancholy; still I have fought both down。  The discipline I had as 

a sailor had full effect on me。  Perhaps my old sea days are also 

responsible for the regularity and limitations of my sleep。  Five 

and a half hours is the precise average I allow myself; and no 

circumstance has yet arisen in my life that could keep me awake when 

the time comes to 〃turn in。〃

I am very fond of sport; and delight in boxing; fencing; swimming; 

riding; yachting; and even kite…flying。  Although primarily of the 

city; I like to be near it rather than in it。  The country; though; 

is the best; the only natural life。  In my grown…up years the 

writers who have influenced me most are Karl Marx in a particular; 

and Spencer in a general; way。  In the days of my barren boyhood; if 

I had had a chance; I would have gone in for music; now; in what are 

more genuinely the days of my youth; if I had a million or two I 

would devote myself to writing poetry and pamphlets。  I think the 

best work I have done is in the 〃League of the Old Men;〃 and parts 

of 〃The Kempton…Wace Letters。〃  Other people don't like the former。  

They prefer brighter and more cheerful things。  Perhaps I shall feel 

like that; too; when the days of my youth are behind me。


{1}  Malahininew…comer。

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