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the house of pride and other tales of hawaii-第7部分

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man could win to the gorge save by advancing across a knife…edged 

ridge。  This passage was a hundred yards in length。  At best; it was 

a scant twelve inches wide。  On either side yawned the abyss。  A 

slip; and to right or left the man would fall to his death。  But 

once across he would find himself in an earthly paradise。  A sea of 

vegetation laved the landscape; pouring its green billows from wall 

to wall; dripping from the cliff…lips in great vine…masses; and 

flinging a spray of ferns and air…plants in to the multitudinous 

crevices。  During the many months of Koolau's rule; he and his 

followers had fought with this vegetable sea。  The choking jungle; 

with its riot of blossoms; had been driven back from the bananas; 

oranges; and mangoes that grew wild。  In little clearings grew the 

wild arrowroot; on stone terraces; filled with soil scrapings; were 

the taro patches and the melons; and in every open space where the 

sunshine penetrated were papaia trees burdened with their golden 


Koolau had been driven to this refuge from the lower valley by the 

beach。  And if he were driven from it in turn; he knew of gorges 

among the jumbled peaks of the inner fastnesses where he could lead 

his subjects and live。  And now he lay with his rifle beside him; 

peering down through a tangled screen of foliage at the soldiers on 

the beach。  He noted that they had large guns with them; from which 

the sunshine flashed as from mirrors。  The knife…edged passage lay 

directly before him。  Crawling upward along the trail that led to it 

he could see tiny specks of men。  He knew they were not the 

soldiers; but the police。  When they failed; then the soldiers would 

enter the game。

He affectionately rubbed a twisted hand along his rifle barrel and 

made sure that the sights were clean。  He had learned to shoot as a 

wild…cattle hunter on Niihau; and on that island his skill as a 

marksman was unforgotten。  As the toiling specks of men grew nearer 

and larger; he estimated the range; judged the deflection of the 

wind that swept at right angles across the line of fire; and 

calculated the chances of overshooting marks that were so far below 

his level。  But he did not shoot。  Not until they reached the 

beginning of the passage did he make his presence known。  He did not 

disclose himself; but spoke from the thicket。

〃What do you want?〃 he demanded。

〃We want Koolau; the leper;〃 answered the man who led the native 

police; himself a blue…eyed American。

〃You must go back;〃 Koolau said。

He knew the man; a deputy sheriff; for it was by him that he had 

been harried out of Niihau; across Kauai; to Kalalau Valley; and out 

of the valley to the gorge。

〃Who are you?〃 the sheriff asked。

〃I am Koolau; the leper;〃 was the reply。

〃Then come out。  We want you。  Dead or alive; there is a thousand 

dollars on your head。  You cannot escape。〃

Koolau laughed aloud in the thicket。

〃Come out!〃 the sheriff commanded; and was answered by silence。

He conferred with the police; and Koolau saw that they were 

preparing to rush him。

〃Koolau;〃 the sheriff called。  〃Koolau; I am coming across to get 


〃Then look first and well about you at the sun and sea and sky; for 

it will be the last time you behold them。〃

〃That's all right; Koolau;〃 the sheriff said soothingly。  〃I know 

you're a dead shot。  But you won't shoot me。  I have never done you 

any wrong。〃

Koolau grunted in the thicket。

〃I say; you know; I've never done you any wrong; have I?〃 the 

sheriff persisted。

〃You do me wrong when you try to put me in prison;〃 was the reply。  

〃And you do me wrong when you try for the thousand dollars on my 

head。  If you will live; stay where you are。〃

〃I've got to come across and get you。  I'm sorry。  But it is my 


〃You will die before you get across。〃

The sheriff was no coward。  Yet was he undecided。  He gazed into the 

gulf on either side and ran his eyes along the knife…edge he must 

travel。  Then he made up his mind。

〃Koolau;〃 he called。

But the thicket remained silent。

〃Koolau; don't shoot。  I am coming。〃

The sheriff turned; gave some orders to the police; then started on 

his perilous way。  He advanced slowly。  It was like walking a tight 

rope。  He had nothing to lean upon but the air。  The lava rock 

crumbled under his feet; and on either side the dislodged fragments 

pitched downward through the depths。  The sun blazed upon him; and 

his face was wet with sweat。  Still he advanced; until the halfway 

point was reached。

〃Stop!〃 Koolau commanded from the thicket。  〃One more step and I 


The sheriff halted; swaying for balance as he stood poised above the 

void。  His face was pale; but his eyes were determined。  He licked 

his dry lips before he spoke。

〃Koolau; you won't shoot me。  I know you won't。〃

He started once more。  The bullet whirled him half about。  On his 

face was an expression of querulous surprise as he reeled to the 

fall。  He tried to save himself by throwing his body across the 

knife…edge; but at that moment he knew death。  The next moment the 

knife…edge was vacant。  Then came the rush; five policemen; in 

single file; with superb steadiness; running along the knife…edge。  

At the same instant the rest of the posse opened fire on the 

thicket。  It was madness。  Five times Koolau pulled the trigger; so 

rapidly that his shots constituted a rattle。  Changing his position 

and crouching low under the bullets that were biting and singing 

through the bushes; he peered out。  Four of the police had followed 

the sheriff。  The fifth lay across the knife…edge still alive。  On 

the farther side; no longer firing; were the surviving police。  On 

the naked rock there was no hope for them。  Before they could 

clamber down Koolau could have picked off the last man。  But he did 

not fire; and; after a conference; one of them took off a white 

undershirt and waved it as a flag。  Followed by another; he advanced 

along the knife…edge to their wounded comrade。  Koolau gave no sign; 

but watched them slowly withdraw and become specks as they descended 

into the lower valley。

Two hours later; from another thicket; Koolau watched a body of 

police trying to make the ascent from the opposite side of the 

valley。  He saw the wild goats flee before them as they climbed 

higher and higher; until he doubted his judgment and sent for 

Kiloliana; who crawled in beside him。

〃No; there is no way;〃 said Kiloliana。

〃The goats?〃 Koolau questioned。

〃They come over from the next valley; but they cannot pass to this。  

There is no way。  Those men are not wiser than goats。  They may fall 

to their deaths。  Let us watch。〃

〃They are brave men;〃 said Koolau。  〃Let us watch。〃

Side by side they lay among the morning…glories; with the yellow 

blossoms of the hau dropping upon th
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