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hesiod, the homeric hymns, and homerica-第30部分

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Fragment #49  Scholiast on Homer; Od。 vii。 54: Hesiod regarded Arete as the sister of Alcinous。

Fragment #50  Scholiast on Pindar; Ol。 x。 46: Her Hippostratus (did wed); a scion of Ares; the splendid son of Phyetes; of the line of Amarynces; leader of the Epeians。

Fragment #51  Apollodorus; i。 8。4。1: When Althea was dead; Oeneus married Periboea; the daughter of Hipponous。  Hesiod says that she was seduced by Hippostratus the son of Amarynces and that her father Hipponous sent her from Olenus in Achaea to Oeneus because he was far away from Hellas; bidding him kill her。

‘She used to dwell on the cliff of Olenus by the banks of wide Peirus。'

Fragment #52  Diodorus (37) v。 81: Macareus was a son of Crinacus the son of Zeus as Hesiod says。。。 and dwelt in Olenus in the country then called Ionian; but now Achaean。

Fragment #53  Scholiast on Pindar; Nem。 ii。 21: Concerning the Myrmidons Hesiod speaks thus: ‘And she conceived and bare Aeacus; delighting in horses。  Now when he came to the full measure of desired youth; he chafed at being alone。  And the father of men and gods made all the ants that were in the lovely isle into men and wide…girdled women。  These were the first who fitted with thwarts ships with curved sides; and the first who used sails; the wings of a sea…going ship。'

Fragment #54  Polybius; v。 2: ‘The sons of Aeacus who rejoiced in battle as though a feast。'

Fragment #55  Porphyrius; Quaest。 Hom。 ad Iliad。 pertin。 p。 93: He has indicated the shameful deed briefly by the phrase ‘to lie with her against her will'; and not like Hesiod who recounts at length the story of Peleus and the wife of Acastus。

Fragment #56  Scholiast on Pindar; Nem。 iv。 95: ‘And this seemed to him (Acastus) in his mind the best plan; to keep back himself; but to hide beyond guessing the beautiful knife which the very famous Lame One had made for him; that in seeking it alone over steep Pelion; he (Peleus) might be slain forthwith by the mountain…bred Centaurs。'

Fragment #57  Voll。 Herculan。 (Papyri from Herculaneum); 2nd Collection; viii。 105: The author of the 〃Cypria〃 (38) says that Thetis avoided wedlock with Zeus to please Hera; but that Zeus was angry and swore that she should mate with a mortal。  Hesiod also has the like account。

Fragment #58  Strassburg Greek Papyri 55 (2nd century A。D。): (ll。 1…13) ‘Peleus the son of Aeacus; dear to the deathless gods; came to Phthia the mother of flocks; bringing great possessions from spacious Iolcus。  And all the people envied him in their hearts seeing how he had sacked the well…built city; and accomplished his joyous marriage; and they all spake this word: 〃Thrice; yea; four times blessed son of Aeacus; happy Peleus!  For far…seeing Olympian Zeus has given you a wife with many gifts and the blessed gods have brought your marriage fully to pass; and in these halls you go up to the holy bed of a daughter of Nereus。  Truly the father; the son of Cronos; made you very pre… eminent among heroes and honoured above other men who eat bread and consume the fruit of the ground。〃'

Fragment #59  (39) Origen; Against Celsus; iv。 79: ‘For in common then were the banquets; and in common the seats of deathless gods and mortal men。'

Fragment #60  Scholiast on Homer; Il。 xvi。 175: 。。。whereas Hesiod and the rest call her (Peleus' daughter) Polydora。

Fragment #61  Eustathius; Hom。 112。 44 sq: It should be observed that the ancient narrative hands down the account that Patroclus was even a kinsman of Achilles; for Hesiod says that Menoethius the father of Patroclus; was a brother of Peleus; so that in that case they were first cousins。

Fragment #62  Scholiast on Pindar; Ol。 x。 83: Some write ‘Serus the son of Halirrhothius'; whom Hesiod mentions: ‘He (begot) Serus and Alazygus; goodly sons。'  And Serus was the son of Halirrhothius Perieres' son; and of Alcyone。

Fragment #63  Pausanias (40); ii。 26。 7: This oracle most clearly proves that Asclepius was not the son of Arsinoe; but that Hesiod or one of Hesiod's interpolators composed the verses to please the Messenians。

Scholiast on Pindar; Pyth。 iii。 14: Some say (Asclepius) was the son of Arsinoe; others of Coronis。  But Asclepiades says that Arsinoe was the daughter of Leucippus; Perieres' son; and that to her and Apollo Asclepius and a daughter; Eriopis; were born: ‘And she bare in the palace Asclepius; leader of men; and Eriopis with the lovely hair; being subject in love to Phoebus。'

And of Arsinoe likewise: ‘And Arsinoe was joined with the son of Zeus and Leto and bare a son Asclepius; blameless and strong。' (41)

Fragment #67  Scholiast on Euripides; Orestes 249: Steischorus says that while sacrificing to the gods Tyndareus forgot Aphrodite and that the goddess was angry and made his daughters twice and thrice wed and deserters of their husbands。。。。  And Hesiod also says:

(ll。 1…7) ‘And laughter…loving Aphrodite felt jealous when she looked on them and cast them into evil report。  Then Timandra deserted Echemus and went and came to Phyleus; dear to the deathless gods; and even so Clytaemnestra deserted god…like Agamemnon and lay with Aegisthus and chose a worse mate; and even so Helen dishonoured the couch of golden…haired Menelaus。'

Fragment #68  (42) Berlin Papyri; No。 9739: (ll。 1…10) ‘。。。。Philoctetes sought her; a leader of spearmen; 。。。。 most famous of all men at shooting from afar and with the sharp spear。  And he came to Tyndareus' bright city for the sake of the Argive maid who had the beauty of golden Aphrodite; and the sparkling eyes of the Graces; and the dark…faced daughter of Ocean; very lovely of form; bare her when she had shared the embraces of Zeus and the king Tyndareus in the bright palace。。。。 (And。。。。 sought her to wife offering as gifts)


(ll。 11…15) 。。。。and as many women skilled in blameless arts; each holding a golden bowl in her hands。  And truly Castor and strong Polydeuces would have made him (43) their brother perforce; but Agamemnon; being son…in…law to Tyndareus; wooed her for his brother Menelaus。

(ll。 16…19) And the two sons of Amphiaraus the lord; Oecleus' son; sought her to wife from Argos very near at hand; yet。。。。 fear of the blessed gods and the indignation of men caused them also to fail。


(l。 20) 。。。but there was no deceitful dealing in the sons of Tyndareus。

(ll。 21…27) And from Ithaca the sacred might of Odysseus; Laertes son; who knew many…fashioned wiles; sought her to wife。  He never sent gifts for the sake of the neat…ankled maid; for he knew in his heart that golden…haired Menelaus would win; since he was greatest of the Achaeans in possessions and was ever sending messages (44) to horse…taming Castor and prize…winning Polydeuces。

(ll。 28…30) And。。。。on's son sought her to wife (and brought) 。。。。bridal…gifts。。。。 。。。。cauldrons。。。。


(ll。 31…33) 。。。to horse…taming Castor and prize…winning Polydeuces; desiring to be the husband of rich…haired Helen; though he had never seen her beauty; but because he heard the report of others。

(ll。 34…41) And from Phylace two men of exceeding worth sought her to wife; Podarces son of Iphiclus; Phylacus' son; and Actor's noble son; overbearin
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