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tg.stone of tears-第21部分

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 The Bird Man looked to Kahlan as she translated。 A beaming grin spread on his face。 ‘We wele you both back to your people with open arms。’
 Women and children were gathering among the ring of hunters; their dark; mud…slicked hair framing amazed faces。 Scarlet lowered her bulky body to the ground and Richard slid off her shoulder; landing on his boots with a thump。 He held Siddin in one arm as he reached up with the other and helped Kahlan down。 She was quietly joyful to have her feet on the earth again。
 Weselan pushed through the throng; running to them; Savidlin right at her heels。 She wailed her son’s name。 Siddin held his arms out gleefully and practically leapt into her arms。 Weselan alternated between crying and laughing as she tried to hug her son and Richard and Kahlan all at once。 Savidlin rubbed his boy’s back and looked to her and Richard with wet eyes。
 ‘He was brave as any hunter;’ Kahlan told him。
 He gave a single; firm; pride…filled nod。 He appraised her for a moment and then stepped closer; giving her a gentle slap。 ‘Strength to Confessor Kahlan。’
 Kahlan returned the slap and greeting; and then he threw his arms around her and squeezed nearly all the breath out of her。 When finished with hugging her; he straightened his elder’s coyote hide on his shoulders and looked up at Richard。 He shook his head in wonderment。 And then he gave Richard a powerfully hard whack across the jaw; a demonstration of his heartfelt respect for Richard’s strength。
 ‘Strength to Richard With The Temper。’
 Kahlan wished he hadn’t done that。 She could tell by Richard’s eyes that he had a headache。 He had had it since yesterday; and she had hoped it would be better after a good sleep the night before in Scarlet’s cave。 Siddin had played with the little red dragon until he was dead tired; and then had cuddled between them and gone to sleep。
 Having not slept for days; she thought she would have no trouble sleeping; but she found she didn’t want to stop looking at Richard。 She had finally put her head on his shoulder; held his hand in both of hers; and fallen asleep smiling。 They had all needed the rest。 Bad dreams had caused Richard to jerk awake several times in a cold sweat; and even though he had said nothing; she could see in his eyes that he still had the headache。 Richard didn’t let it bother him; though; and returned Savidlin’s slap in kind。
 ‘Strength to Savidlin。 My friend。’
 Properly greeted; souls protected; Savidlin let his grins and backslaps fly。 After they had exchanged greetings with the Bird Man; Richard addressed the crowd。
 ‘This brave and noble dragon; Scarlet;’ he called out in a voice for all to hear; even though they couldn’t understand the words; ‘has helped me kill Darken Rahl and avenge our murdered people。 She has brought us here so Siddin could be returned before his parents could fear for him another night。 She is my friend; a friend to the Mud People。’
 Everyone was dumbfounded as Kahlan translated。 The hunters; at least; puffed up at hearing that an enemy of the Mud People had been killed by one of their own … even if he was one of their own by proclamation and not by birth。 The Mud People honored strength; and to them killing one who harmed their people meant strength。
 Scarlet’s head swung down; her ears twitching。 One yellow eye frowned at Richard。 ‘Friend! Red dragons are friends to no people! We are feared by all!’
 ‘You’re my friend。’ Richard smiled。 ‘I’m a person。’
 Scarlet snorted a puff of smoke at him。 ‘Paah。 I will eat you yet。’
 Richard’s grin widened。 He pointed at the Bird Man。 ‘You see this man? He gave me the whistle that I used to save your egg。 If not for that whistle; the gars might have eaten your little one。’ He stroked a hand on the bright red snout。 ‘And a wonderful little one it is。’
 Scarlet tilted her head; blinking a big yellow eye at the Bird Man。 ‘I guess he would make a meager snack。’ She peered back at Richard; a chuckle rumbling in her throat。 ‘The whole of the village wouldn’t make a decent meal。 More trouble than it would be worth。’ She brought her head closer to him。 ‘If they are your friends; Richard Cypher; they are my friends; too。’
 ‘And Scarlet; this one is called the Bird Man because he loves creatures that fly。’
 Scarlet’s scaly eyebrows lifted。 ‘Really?’ She swung her head close to the Bird Man; inspecting him anew。 The proximity of Scarlet’s big head caused a few close to him to back away a step or two。 The Bird Man held his ground。 ‘Thank you; Bird Man; for helping Richard。 He has saved my young one。 The Mud People have nothing to fear from me。 On my dragon’s honor。’
 The Bird Man looked to Kahlan as she translated; smiled to Scarlet; and then turned to his people。 ‘As Richard With The Temper says; this noble dragon; Scarlet; is a friend to the Mud People。 She may hunt our land; and we will bring no harm to her; nor her to us。’
 Cheering erupted from the crowd。 For a people to have a dragon as a friend was taken as an honor to their strength。 Everyone seemed to be shouting with excitement。 They waved their arms in the air and stamped around in little dances。 Scarlet joined in the merriment by throwing her head back and sending a roaring column of flame skyward。 The people cheered louder。
 Kahlan noticed Richard glancing off to the side。 She followed the direction of his gaze to a small band of hunters standing together。 None of them were cheering。 She recognized their leader。 He was the one who had blamed Richard for bringing trouble to their village … blamed Richard for the deaths of Mud People at the hands of Darken Rahl。
 As the hooting and hollering went on; Richard motioned Scarlet toward him。 When she lowered her head; he put his face right in her ear。 She listened to whatever he was saying and then pulled her head back; regarding him with a big yellow eye。 She nodded。
 Richard held out the carved bone whistle hanging from a leather thong at his neck as he turned to the Bird Man。 ‘You gave me this as a gift; but told me it would never aid me because I could only call all the birds at once。 I think maybe the good spirits wanted it that way。 This gift helped me save everyone from Darken Rahl。 It helped me save Kahlan。 Thank you。’
 The Bird Man smiled at the translation。 Richard whispered in Kahlan’s ear that he would be back in a short time; and then climbed up on Scarlet。
 ‘Honored elder; Scarlet and I would like to give you a small gift。 We would like to take you up in the air; so you may see where your beloved birds fly。’ He extended a hand to the Bird Man。
 The elder; upon hearing the translation; looked apprehensively at Scarlet。 Her vibrant red scales were glossy in the late…afternoon sun; undulating with her breathing。 Her tail reached nearly to the mud…brick homes across the field。 The dragon unfolded her wings and lazily stretched them。 He looked at Richard; who was still offering his hand to him。 A little…boy grin lit the elder’s face。 It made Kahlan laugh。 He clasped Richard’s arm and hoisted himself up。
 Savidlin s
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