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aid。 In three days my furlough is at an end; if not delivered before

midnight of the third; I shall have to mount guard for another


  〃Fear not;〃 said the student; 〃I have in my eye the very priest

and damsel you describe; but how am I to regain admission to this


  〃The seal of Solomon will open the way for thee。〃

  The student issued forth from the tower much more gayly than he

had entered。 The wall closed behind him; and remained solid as before。

  The next morning he repaired boldly to the mansion of the priest; no

longer a poor strolling student; thrumming his way with a guitar;

but an ambassador from the shadowy world; with enchanted treasures

to bestow。 No particulars are told of his negotiation; excepting

that the zeal of the worthy priest was easily kindled at the idea of

rescuing an old soldier of the faith and a strong…box of King Chico

from the very clutches of Satan; and then what alms might be

dispensed; what churches built; and how many poor relatives enriched

with the Moorish treasure!

  As to the immaculate handmaid; she was ready to lend her hand; which

was all that was required; to the pious work; and if a shy glance

now and then might be believed; the ambassador began to find favor

in her modest eyes。

  The greatest difficulty; however; was the fast to which the good

Padre had to subject himself。 Twice he attempted it; and twice the

flesh was too strong for the spirit。 It was only on the third day that

he was enabled to withstand the temptations of the cupboard; but it

was still a question whether he would hold out until the spell was


  At a late hour of the night the party groped their way up the ravine

by the light of a lantern; and bearing a basket with provisions for

exorcising the demon of hunger so soon as the other demons should be

laid in the Red Sea。

  The seal of Solomon opened their way into the tower。 They found

the soldier seated on the enchanted strong…box; awaiting their

arrival。 The exorcism was performed in due style。 The damsel

advanced and touched the locks of the coffer with the seal of Solomon。

The lid flew open; and such treasures of gold and jewels and

precious stones as flashed upon the eye!

  〃Here's cut and come again!〃 cried the student; exultingly; as he

proceeded to cram his pockets。

  〃Fairly and softly;〃 exclaimed the soldier。 〃Let us get the coffer

out entire; and then divide。〃

  They accordingly went to work with might and main; but it was a

difficult task; the chest was enormously heavy; and had been

imbedded there for centuries。 While they were thus employed the good

dominie drew on one side and made a vigorous onslaught on the

basket; by way of exorcising the demon of hunger which was raging in

his entrails。 In a little while a fat capon was devoured; and washed

down by a deep potation of Val de Penas; and; by way of grace after

meat; he gave a kind…hearted kiss to the pet lamb who waited on him。

It was quietly done in a corner; but the tell…tale walls babbled it

forth as if in triumph。 Never was chaste salute more awful in its

effects。 At the sound the soldier gave a great cry of despair; the

coffer; which was half raised; fell back in its place and was locked

once more。 Priest; student; and damsel; found themselves outside of

the tower; the wall of which closed with a thundering jar。 Alas! the

good Padre had broken his fast too soon!

  When recovered from his surprise; the student would have

re…entered the tower; but learnt to his dismay that the damsel; in her

fright; had let fall the seal of Solomon; it remained within the


  In a word; the cathedral bell tolled midnight; the spell was

renewed; the soldier was doomed to mount guard for another hundred

years; and there he and the treasure remain to this day… and all

because the kind…hearted Padre kissed his handmaid。 〃Ah father!

father!〃 said the student; shaking his head ruefully; as they returned

down the ravine; 〃I fear there was less of the saint than the sinner

in that kiss!〃

  Thus ends the legend as far as it has been authenticated。 There is a

tradition; however; that the student had brought off treasure enough

in his pocket to set him up in the world; that he prospered in his

affairs; that the worthy Padre gave him the pet lamb in marriage; by

way of amends for the blunder in the vault; that the immaculate damsel

proved a pattern for wives as she had been for handmaids; and bore her

husband a numerous progeny; that the first was a wonder; it was born

seven months after her marriage; and though a seven months boy; was

the sturdiest of the flock。 The rest were all born in the ordinary

course of time。

  The story of the enchanted soldier remains one of the popular

traditions of Granada; though told in a variety of ways; the common

people affirm that he still mounts guard on midsummer eve beside the

gigantic stone pomegranate on the Bridge of the Darro; but remains

invisible excepting to such lucky mortal as may possess the seal of


             Notes to 〃The Enchanted Soldier〃。

  Among the ancient superstitions of Spain; were those of the

existence of profound caverns in which the magic arts were taught;

either by the devil in person; or some sage devoted to his service。

One of the most famous of these caves; was at Salamanca。 Don Francisco

de Torreblanca makes mention of it in the first book of his work on

Magic。 The devil was said to play the part of Oracle there; giving

replies to those who repaired thither to propound fateful questions;

as in the celebrated cave of Trophonius。 Don Francisco; though he

records this story; does not put faith in it; he gives it however as

certain; that a Sacristan; named Clement Potosi; taught secretly the

magic arts in that cave。 Padre Feyjoo; who inquired into the matter;

reports it as a vulgar belief that the devil himself taught those arts

there; admitting only seven disciples at a time; one of whom; to be

determined by lot; was to be devoted to him body and soul for ever。

Among one of these sets of students; was a young man; son of the

Marquis de Villena; on whom; after having accomplished his studies;

the lot fell。 He succeeded; however; in cheating the devil; leaving

him his shadow instead of his body。

  Don Juan de Dios; Professor of Humanities in the University in the

early part of the last century; gives the following version of the

story; extracted; as he says; from an ancient manuscript。 It will be

perceived he has marred the supernatural part of the tale; and ejected

the devil from it altogether。

  As to the fable of the Cave of San Cyprian; says he; all that we

have been able to verify is; that where the stone cross stands; in the

small square or place called by the name of the Seminary of

Carvajal; there was the parochial church of San Cyprian。 A descent

of twenty steps led down to a subterranean Sacristy; spacious and

vaulted like a cave。 Here a Sacristan once taught magic; judicial
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