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shorter logic-第54部分

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temperature of water) makes itself felt; and a course; which a moment before was held good
economy; turns into avarice or prodigality。 The same principles may be applied in politics; when
the constitution of a state has to be looked at as independent of; no less than as dependent on; the
extent of its territory; the number of its inhabitants; and other quantitative points of the same kind。
If we look; e。g。 at a state with a territory of ten thousand square miles and a population of four
millions we should; without hesitation; admit that a few square miles of land or a few thousand
inhabitants more or less could exercise no essential influence on the character of its constitution。
But on the other hand; we must not forget that by the continual increase or diminishing of a state;
we finally get to a point where; apart from all other circumstances; this quantitative alteration alone
necessarily draws with it an alteration in the quality of the constitution。 The constitution of a little
Swiss canton does not suit a great kingdom; and; similarly; the constitution of the Roman republic
was unsuitable when transferred to the small imperial towns of Germany。 


In this case; when a measure through its quantitative nature has gone in excess of
its qualitative character; we meet what is at first an absence of measure; the
Measureless。 But seeing that the second quantitative ratio; which in comparison
with the first is measureless; is none the less qualitative; the measureless is also a
measure。 These two transitions; from quality to quantum; and from the latter
back again to quality; may be represented under the image of an infinite
progression…as the self…abrogation and restoration of measure in the measureless。 


Quantity; as we have seen; is not only capable of alteration; i。e。 of increase or diminution: it is
naturally and necessarily a tendency to exceed itself。 This tendency is maintained even in measure。
But if the quantity present in measure exceeds a certain limit; the quality corresponding to it is also
put in abeyance。 This however is not a negation of quality altogether; but only of this definite
quality; the place of which is at once occupied by another。 This process of measure; which
appears alternately as a mere change in quantity; and then as a sudden revulsion of quantity into
quality; may be envisaged under the figure of a nodal (knotted) line。 Such lines we find in Nature
under a variety of forms。 We have already referred to the qualitatively different states of
aggregation water exhibits under increase or diminution of temperature。 The same phenomenon is
presented by the different degrees in the oxidation of metals。 Even the difference of musical notes
may be regarded as an example of what takes place in the process of measure the revulsion from
what is at first merely quantitative into qualitative alteration。 


What really takes place here is that the immediacy; which still attaches to measure
as such; is set aside。 In measure; at first; quality and quantity itself are immediate;
and measure is only their 'relative' identity。 But measure shows itself absorbed
and superseded in the measureless: yet the measureless; although it be the
negation of measure; is itself a unity of quantity and quality。 Thus in the
measureless the measure is still seen to meet only with itself。 


Instead of the more abstract factors; Being and Nothing; some and other; etc。; the
Infinite; which is affirmation as a negation of negation; now finds its factors in
quality and quantity。 These (a) have in the first place passed over quality into
quantity (§ 98); and quantity into quality (§ 105); and thus are both shown up as
negations。 (p) But in their unity; that is; in measure; they are originally distinct;
and the one is only through the instrumentality of the other。 And (;y) after the
immediacy of this unity has turned out to be self…annulling; the unity is explicitly
put as what it implicitly is; simple relation…to…self; which contains in it being and
all its forms absorbed。 Being or immediacy; which by the negation of itself is a
mediation with self and a reference to self…which consequently is also a mediation
which cancels itself into reference to…self; or immediacy…is Essence。 

                                  § 111n
The process of measure; instead of being only the wrong infinite of an endless progression; in the
shape of an ever…recurrent recoil from quality to quantity and from quantity to quality; is also a true
infinity of coincidence with self in other。 In measure; quality and quantity originally confront each
other; like some and other。 But quality is implicitly quantity and conversely quantity is implicitly
quality。 In the process of measure; therefore; these two pass into each other: each of them
becomes what it already was implicitly: and thus we get Being thrown into abeyance and
absorbed; with its several characteristics negatived。 Such Being is Essence。 Measure is implicitly
Essence; and its process consists in realising what it is implicitly。 The ordinary consciousness
conceives things as being; and studies them in quality; quantity; and measure。 These immediate
characteristics; however; soon show themselves to be not fixed but transient; and Essence is the
result of their dialectic。 

In the sphere of Essence one category does not pass into another; but refers to another merely。 In
Being; the forms of reference is purely due to our reflection on what takes place: but it is the
special and proper characteristic of Essence。 In the sphere of Being; when somewhat becomes
another; the somewhat has vanished。 Not so in Essence: here there is no real other; but only
diversity; reference of the one to its other。 The transition of Essence is therefore at the same time
no transition: for in the passage of different into different; the different does not vanish: the different
terms remain in their relation。 When we speak of Being and Nought; Being is independent; so is
Nought。 The case is otherwise with the Positive and the Negative。 No doubt these possess the
characteristic of Being and Nought。 But the Positive by itself has no sense; it is wholly in reference
to the negative。 And it is the same with the negative。 In the sphere of Being the reference of one
term to another is only implicit; in Essence on the contrary it is explicit。 And this in general is the
distinction between the forms of Being and Essence: in Being everything is immediate; in Essence
everything is relative。 

Second Subdivision of The Logic;
                            VIII。 ESSENCE

                                  § 112
The terms in Essence are always mere pairs of correlatives; and yet not
absolutely reflected in themselves: hence in essence the actual unity of the notion
is not yet realised; but only postulated by reflection。 Essence … which is Being
coming into mediation with itself through the negativity of itself … is
self…relatedness; only in so far as it is relation to an 
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