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shorter logic-第65部分

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applied is non…existent。 A bad state or a sickly body may exist all the same; but these things are
untrue; because their notion and their reality are out of harmony。 

The relation of whole and parts; being the immediate relation; comes easy to reflective
understanding: and for that reason it often satisfies when the question really turns on profounder
ties。 The limbs and organs for instance; of an organic body are not merely parts of it: it is only in
their unity that they are what they are; and they are unquestionably affected by that unity; as they
also in turn affect it。 These limbs and organs become mere parts; only when they pass under the
hands of an anatomist; whose occupation be it remembered; is not with the living body but with
the corpse。 Not that such analysis is illegitimate: we only mean that the external and mechanical
relation of whole and parts is not sufficient for us; if we want to study organic life in its truth。 And if
this be so in organic life; it is the case to a much greater extent when we apply this relation to the
mind and the formations of the spiritual world。 Psychologists may not expressly speak of parts of
the soul or mind; but the mode in which this subject is treated by the analytic understanding is
largely founded on the analogy of this finite relation。 At least that is so; when the different forms of
mental activity are enumerated and described merely in their isolation one after another; as
so…called special powers and faculties。 

                     Force and the expression of force

'b' The one…and…same of this correlation (the self…relation found in it) is thus
immediately a negative self…relation。 The correlation is in short the mediating
process whereby one and the same is first unaffected towards difference; and
secondly is the negative self…relation; which repels itself as reflection…into…self to
difference; and invests itself (as reflection…into…something…else) with existence;
whilst it conversely leads back this reflection…into…other to self…relation and
indifference。 This gives the correlation of Force and its Expression。 

The relationship of whole and part is the immediate and therefore unintelligent
(mechanical) relation—a revulsion of self…identity into mere variety。 Thus we pass
from the whole to the parts; and from the parts to the whole: in the one we forget
its opposition to the other; while each on its own account; at one time the whole;
at another the parts; is taken to be an independent existence。 In other words;
when the parts are declared to subsist in the whole; and the whole to consist of
the parts; we have either member of the relation at different times taken to be
permanently subsistent; while the other is non…essential。 In its superficial form the
mechanical nexus consists in the parts being independent of each other and of the

This relation may be adopted for the progression ad infinitum; in the case of the
divisibility of matter: and then it becomes an unintelligent alternation with the two
sides。 A thing at one time is taken as a whole: then we go on to specify the parts:
this specifying is forgotten; and what was a part is regarded as a whole: then the
specifying of the part comes up again; and so on for ever。 But if this infinity be
taken as the negative which it is; it is the negative self…relating element in the
correlation — Force; the self…identical whole; or immanency — which yet
supersedes this immanency and gives itself expression; and conversely the
expression which vanishes and returns into Force。 

Force; notwithstanding this infinity; is also finite: for the content; or the one and
the same of the Force and its out…putting; is this identity at first only for the
observer: the two sides of the relation are not yet; each on its own account; the
concrete identity of that one and same; not yet the totality。 For one another they
are therefore different; and the relationship is a finite one。 Force consequently
requires solicitation from without: it works blindly: and on account of this
defectiveness of form; the content is also limited and accidental。 It is not yet
genuinely identical with the form: not yet is it as a notion and an end; that is to
say; it is not intrinsically and actually determinate。 This difference is most vital;
but not easy to apprehend: it will assume a clearer formulation when we reach
Design。 If it be overlooked; it leads to the confusion of conceiving God as Force;
a confusion from which Herder's God especially suffers。 

It is often said that the nature of Force itself is unknown and only its
manifestation apprehended。 But; in the first place; it may be replied; every article
in the import of Force is the same as what is specified in the Exertion: and the
explanation of a phenomenon by a Force is a mere tautology。 What is supposed
to remain unknown; therefore; is really nothing but the empty form of
reflection…into…self; by which alone the Force is distinguished from the Exertion …
and that form too is something familiar。 It is a form that does not make the
slightest addition to the content and to the law; which have to be discovered from
the phenomenon alone。 Another assurance always given is that to speak of forces
implies no theory as to their nature: and that being so; it is impossible to see why
the form of Force has been introduced into the sciences at all。 In the second place
the nature of Force is undoubtedly unknown: we are still without any necessity
binding and connecting its content together in itself; as we are without necessity in
the content; in so far as it is expressly limited and hence has its character by
means of another thing outside it。 

Compared with the immediate relation of whole and parts; the relation between force and its
putting…forth may be considered infinite。 In it that identity of the two sides is realised; which in the
former relation only existed for the observer。 The whole; though we can see that it consists of
parts; ceases to be a whole when it is divided: whereas force is only shown to be force when it
exerts itself; and in its exercise only comes back to itself。 The exercise is only force once more。
Yet; on further examination even this relation will appear finite; and finite in virtue of this mediation:
just as; conversely; the relation of whole and parts is obviously finite in virtue of its immediacy。 The
first and simplest evidence for the finitude of the mediated relation of force and its exercise is; that
each and every force is conditioned and requires something else than itself for its subsistence。 For
instance; a special vehicle of magnetic force; as is well known; is iron; the other properties of
which; such as its colour; specific weight; or relation to acids; are independent of this connection
with magnetism。 The same thing is seen in all other forces; which from one end to the other are
found to be conditioned and mediated by something else than themselves。 Another proof of the
finite nature of force is that it requires solicitation before it can put itself forth。 That through which
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