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And prayers of its most humble votary!

I'm very grateful for your pious wishes。
But let's sit down; so we may talk at ease。

TARTUFFE (after sitting down)
And how are you recovered from your illness?

ELMIRE (sitting down also)
Quite well; the fever soon let go its hold。
My prayers; I fear; have not sufficient merit
To have drawn down this favour from on high;
But each entreaty that I made to Heaven
Had for its object your recovery。

You're too solicitous on my behalf。

We could not cherish your dear health too much;
I would have given mine; to help restore it。

That's pushing Christian charity too far;
I owe you many thanks for so much kindness。

I do far less for you than you deserve。

There is a matter that I wished to speak of
In private; I am glad there's no one here
To listen。

Madam; I am overjoyed。
'Tis sweet to find myself alone with you。
This is an opportunity I've asked
Of Heaven; many a time; till now; in vain。

All that I wish; is just a word from you;
Quite frank and open; hiding nothing from me。

(DAMIS; without their seeing him; opens the closet door halfway。)

I too could wish; as Heaven's especial favour;
To lay my soul quite open to your eyes;
And swear to you; the trouble that I made
About those visits which your charms attract;
Does not result from any hatred toward you;
But rather from a passionate devotion;
And purest motives 。 。 。

That is how I take it;
I think 'tis my salvation that concerns you。

TARTUFFE (pressing her finger tips)
Madam; 'tis so; and such is my devotion 。 。 。

Ouch! but you squeeze too hard。

Excess of zeal。
In no way could I ever mean to hurt you;
And I'd as soon 。 。 。

(He puts his hand on her knee。)

What's your hand doing there?

Feeling your gown; the stuff is very soft。

Let be; I beg you; I am very ticklish。

(She moves her chair away; and Tartuffe brings his nearer。)

TARTUFFE (handling the lace yoke of Elmire's dress)
Dear me how wonderful in workmanship
This lace is! They do marvels; nowadays;
Things of all kinds were never better made。

Yes; very true。 But let us come to business。
They say my husband means to break his word。
And marry Mariane to you。 Is't so?

He did hint some such thing; but truly; madam;
That's not the happiness I'm yearning after;
I see elsewhere the sweet compelling charms
Of such a joy as fills my every wish。

You mean you cannot love terrestrial things。

The heart within my bosom is not stone。

I well believe your sighs all tend to Heaven;
And nothing here below can stay your thoughts。

Love for the beauty of eternal things
Cannot destroy our love for earthly beauty;
Our mortal senses well may be entranced
By perfect works that Heaven has fashioned here。
Its charms reflected shine in such as you;
And in yourself; its rarest miracles;
It has displayed such marvels in your face;
That eyes are dazed; and hearts are rapt away;
I could not look on you; the perfect creature;
Without admiring Nature's great Creator;
And feeling all my heart inflamed with love
For you; His fairest image of Himself。
At first I trembled lest this secret love
Might be the Evil Spirit's artful snare;
I even schooled my heart to flee your beauty;
Thinking it was a bar to my salvation。
But soon; enlightened; O all lovely one;
I saw how this my passion may be blameless;
How I may make it fit with modesty;
And thus completely yield my heart to it。
'Tis I must own; a great presumption in me
To dare make you the offer of my heart;
My love hopes all things from your perfect goodness;
And nothing from my own poor weak endeavour。
You are my hope; my stay; my peace of heart;
On you depends my torment or my bliss;
And by your doom of judgment; I shall be
Blest; if you will; or damned; by your decree。

Your declaration's turned most gallantly;
But truly; it is just a bit surprising。
You should have better armed your heart; methinks;
And taken thought somewhat on such a matter。
A pious man like you; known everywhere 。 。 。

Though pious; I am none the less a man;
And when a man beholds your heavenly charms;
The heart surrenders; and can think no more。
I know such words seem strange; coming from me;
But; madam; I'm no angel; after all;
If you condemn my frankly made avowal
You only have your charming self to blame。
Soon as I saw your more than human beauty;
You were thenceforth the sovereign of my soul;
Sweetness ineffable was in your eyes;
That took by storm my still resisting heart;
And conquered everything; fasts; prayers; and tears;
And turned my worship wholly to yourself。
My looks; my sighs; have spoke a thousand times;
Now; to express it all; my voice must speak。
If but you will look down with gracious favour
Upon the sorrows of your worthless slave;
If in your goodness you will give me comfort
And condescend unto my nothingness;
I'll ever pay you; O sweet miracle;
An unexampled worship and devotion。
Then too; with me your honour runs no risk;
With me you need not fear a public scandal。
These court gallants; that women are so fond of;
Are boastful of their acts; and vain in speech;
They always brag in public of their progress;
Soon as a favour's granted; they'll divulge it;
Their tattling tongues; if you but trust to them;
Will foul the altar where their hearts have worshipped。
But men like me are so discreet in love;
That you may trust their lasting secrecy。
The care we take to guard our own good name
May fully guarantee the one we love;
So you may find; with hearts like ours sincere;
Love without scandal; pleasure without fear。

I've heard you throughyour speech is clear; at least。
But don't you fear that I may take a fancy
To tell my husband of your gallant passion;
And that a prompt report of this affair
May somewhat change the friendship which he bears you?

I know that you're too good and generous;
That you will pardon my temerity;
Excuse; upon the score of human frailty;
The violence of passion that offends you;
And not forget; when you consult your mirror;
That I'm not blind; and man is made of flesh。

Some women might do otherwise; perhaps;
But I am willing to employ discretion;
And not repeat the matter to my husband;
But in return; I'll ask one thing of you:
That you urge forward; frankly and sincerely;
The marriage of Valere to Mariane;
That you give up the unjust influence
By which you hope to win another's rights;
And 。 。 。


DAMIS (coming out of the closet…room where he had been hiding)
No; I say! This thing must be made public。
I was just there; and overheard it all;
And Heaven's goodness must have brought me there
On purpose to confound this scoundrel's pride
And grant me means to take a signal vengeance
On his hypocrisy and arrogance;
And undeceive my father; showing up
The rascal caught at making love to you。

No; no; it is enough if he reforms;
Endeavouring to deserve the favour shown him。
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