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  Alice Adams 
  The Conquest of Canaan 
  The Flirt 
  His Own People 
  Monsieur Beaucaire 
  Penrod and Sam 
  Ramsey Milholland 
  The Turmoil
The Two Vanrevels

Tasso; Torquato  (1544…1595) 
  Jerusalem Delivered
Taylor; Bayard  (1825…1878) 
  Beauty and the Beast
Taylor; Frederick W。  (1856…1915) 
  The Principles of Scientific Management
Taylor; Tom  (1817…1880)
Our American Cousin

Tcikwell; William  (1829…1919) 
Biographical Study of A。 W。 Kinglake
Teasdale; Sara  (1884…1933) 
  Flame and Shadow 
  Helen of Troy And Other Poems 
  Love Songs 
  Rivers to the Sea

Tench; Watkin  (1759…1833)
A Complete Account of the Settlement
A Narrative of the Expedition to Botany Bay

Tennyson; Alfred  (1809…1892) 
  Enoch Arden and Others 
  Idylls of the King 
  The Princess
Terhune; Albert Payson  (1872…1942) 
Further Adventures of Lad 
His Dog
Thackeray; William  M。 (1811…1863) 
The Bedford…Row Conspiracy 
The Book of Snobs 
Catherine: A Story 
The Christmas Books of Mr。 M。 A。 Titmarsh 
The Fatal Boots 
The Fitz…Boodle Papers 
George Cruikshank 
The History of Henry Esmond; Esq。 
The History of Samuel Titmarsh and The Great Hoggarty Diamond 
John Leech's Pictures of Life and Character 
A Little Dinner at Timmins's 
Little Travels and Roadside Sketches 
Memoirs of Mr。 Charles J。 Yellowplush; or;The Yellowplush Papers 
Men's Wives 
The Notch on the Ax and On Being Found Out 
Notes on a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo 
The Paris Sketch Book 
The Rose and the Ring 
Roundabout Papers 
The Second Funeral of Napoleon 
The Tremendous Adventures of Major Gahagan 
Vanity Fair 
  The Wolves and the Lamb
Thanet; Octave  (1850…1934) 
    Stories of a Western Town 

Thayer; William Roscoe  (1859…1923) 
Theodore Roosevelt
Thompson ; Francis (1859…1907) 
  New Poems 
  Shelley: An Essay 
  Sister Songs
Thompson; Holland  (1873…1940) 
        The Age of Invention; A Chronicle of Mechanical Conquest 

Thomson; James  (1700…1748) 
The City of Dreadful Night
Thoreau ; Henry D。 (1817…1862) 
  A Plea for Captain John Brown 
  Walden and On the Duty of Civil Disobedience 
Thucydides ( ca。460…400BC ) 
  History of the Peloponnesian War
Timrod; Henry  (1828…1867) 
The Poems of Henry Timrod
Tocqueville; Alexis de  (1805…1859) 
Democracy In America ( 2 Volumes )
Tolstoi; Ilia Lvovich; Graf  (1866…1933) 
Reminiscences of Tolstoy
Tolstoy; Leo  (1828…1910) 
  Anna Karenina 
  A Confession 
  The Death of Ivan Ilych 
  Father Sergius 
  The Forged Coupon and Other Stories 
  The Kreutzer Sonata and Other Stories 
  Master and Man 
The Moscow Census
On the Significance of Science and Art
  The Slavery of Our Times 
  Twenty…Three Tales 
  War and Peace 
Tooke; Thomas  (1774…1858) 
An Inquiry into the Currency Principle
Torrens; Robert  (1780…1864) 
On Wages and Combination
Townsend; Joseph  (1739…1816) 
A Dissertation on the Poor Laws
Toynbee; Arnold  (1852…1883) 
  Lectures on the Industrial Revolution in England
Trenck; Baron  (1726…1794) 
The Life and Adventures of Baron Trenck ( 2 Volumes )
Tressell; Robert  (1870…1911)
The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists

Trollope; Antony  (1815…1882) 
Aaron Trow
Ayala's Angel 
Barchester Towers 
The Chateau of Prince Polignac
The Courtship of Susan Bell
Doctor Thorne
The Duke's Children
Framley Parsonage 
Hunting Sketches 
John Bull on the Guadalquivir
La Mere Bauche
The Last Chronicle of Barset
Miss Sarah Jack; of Spanish Town; Jamaica
The Mistletoe Bough
Mrs。 General Talboys
North America ( 2 Volumes )
The O'Conors of Castle Conor
The Parson's Daughter of Oxney Colne
The Prime Minister
The Relics of General Chasse 
Returning Home
A Ride Across Palestine
An Unprotected Female at the Pyramids
The Warden
Troward; T。  (1847…1916) 
The Dore Lectures on Mental Science
Trueman; Howard  (1837…1908) 
The Chignecto Isthmus And Its First Settlers
Truth; Sojourner (ca。1797…1883) 
The Narrative of Sojourner Truth
Turgenev; Ivan Sergeevich  (1818…1883) 
Virgin Soil
Turgot; Anne…Robert…Jacques  (1727…1781) 
Reflections on the Formation and Distribution of Wealth
Twain; Mark  (1835…1910) 
The 30;000 Bequest
  The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 
  The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 
Alonzo Fitz and Other Stories
  The American Claimant
The Bridge…Builders 
A Burlesque Autobiography
  Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven 
Carnival of Crime in CT。
Christian Science
  A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court 
Curious Republic of Gondour
  A Dog's Tale
A Double Barrelled Detective
Essays on Paul Bourget
Extracts From Adam's Diary
Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offences
Following the Equator 
The Gilded Age
  Goldsmiths Friend Abroad Again
A Horse's Tale 
How Tell a Story and Others
  In Defence of Harriet Shelley
The Innocents Abroad 
  Is Shakespeare Dead? 
  Life on the Mississippi 
The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg and Other Stories
  Mark Twain's Letters (6 volumes)
Mark Twain's Speeches 
The Mysterious Stranger
  On the Decay of the Art of Lying 
  The Prince and the Pauper  
Rambling Idle Excursion
Roughing It
Sketches New and Old
  The Stolen White Elephant
Those Extraordinary Twins
Tom Sawyer Abroad 
  Tom Sawyer Detective 
  The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson 
  A Tramp Abroad 
  What is Man and Other Essays
Tyler; Royall  (1757…1826) 
The Contrast
Tyndall; John  (1820…1893) 
Faraday as A Discoverer


Upshur; Abel Parker  (1790…1843) 
A Brief Enquiry into the True Nature and Character of Our Federal Government
Van Dyke; Henry  (1852…1933) 
The Blue Flower 
Fisherman's Luck and Some Other Uncertain Things 
Little Rivers; a Book of Essays in Profitable Idleness 
The Mansion 
Music and Other Poems
The Ruling Passion
Van Loon; Hendrik  (1882…1944) 
  The Story of Mankind
Vanderlint; Jacob  (    …1740 ) 
  Money Answers All Things
Vaughan; Rice  (    …1672) 
A Discourse of Coin and Coinage
Anthology of Massachusetts Poets 
Cavalier Songs and Ballads of England from 1642 to 1684 
Classic Mystery and Detective StoriesOld Time English 
Magic and Real Detectives 
The Most Interesting Stories of All Nations (Edited by Julian Hawthorne) 
Stories by English Authors: 
Africa   (Selected by Scribners) 
France  (Selected by Scribners) 
Germany   (Selected by Scribners) 
Italy   (Selected by Scribners) 
London   (Selected by Scribners) 
Orient   (Selected by Scribners) 
Scotland   (Selected by Scribners)
Stories by Modern American Authors   (Selected by Scribners) 
Stories by Modern English Authors   (Selected by Scribners) 
Stories of Modern French Novels   (Selected by Scribners) 
Twilight Stories
Veblen; Thorstein B。  (1857…1929) 
  The Higher Learning in America 
  Theory of Business Enterpr
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