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great preparations for war。
  As soon as he was informed that Sylla had made himself master of
Rome; and that the party which sided with Marius and Carbo was going
to destruction; he expected that some commander with a considerable
army would speedily come against him; and therefore sent away Julius
Salinator immediately; with six thousand men fully armed; to fortify
and defend the passes of the Pyrenees。 And Caius Annius not long after
being sent out by Sylla; finding Julius unassailable; sat down short
at the foot of the mountains in perplexity。 But a certain
Calpurnius; surnamed Lanarius; having treacherously slain Julius;
and his soldiers then forsaking the heights of the Pyrenees; Caius
Annius advanced with large numbers and drove before him all who
endeavoured to hinder his march。 Sertorius; also; not being strong
enough to give him battle; retreated with three thousand men into
New Carthage; where he took shipping; and crossed the seas into
Africa。 And coming near the coast of Mauritania; his men went on shore
to water; and straggling about negligently; the natives fell upon them
and slew a great number。 This new misfortune forced him to sail back
again into Spain; whence he was also repulsed; and; some Cilician
private ships joining with him; they made for the island of
Pityussa; where they landed and overpowered the garrison placed
there by Annius; who; however; came not long after with a great
fleet of ships and five thousand soldiers。 And Sertorius made ready to
fight him by sea; although his ships were not built for strength;
but for lightness and swift sailing; but a violent west wind raised
such a sea that many of them were run aground and shipwrecked; and
he himself; with a few vessels; being kept from putting further out to
sea by the fury of the weather; and from landing by the power of his
enemies; were tossed about painfully for ten days together; amidst the
boisterous and adverse waves。
  He escaped with difficulty; and after the wind ceased; ran for
certain desert islands scattered in those seas; affording no water;
and after passing a night there; making out to sea again; he went
through the straits of Cadiz; and sailing outward; keeping the Spanish
shore on his right hand; landed a little above the mouth of the
river Baetis; where it falls into the Atlantic Sea; and gives the name
to that part of Spain。 Here he met with seamen recently arrived from
the Atlantic islands; two in number; divided from one another only
by a narrow channel; and distant from the coast of Africa ten thousand
furlongs。 These are called the Islands of the Blest; rain falls
there seldom; and in moderate showers; but for the most part they have
gentle breezes; bringing along with them soft dews; which render the
soil not only rich for ploughing and planting; but so abundantly
fruitful that it produces spontaneously an abundance of delicate
fruits; sufficient to feed the inhabitants; who may here enjoy all
things without trouble or labour。 The seasons of the year are
temperate; and the transitions from one to another so moderate that
the air is almost always serene and pleasant。 The rough northerly
and easterly winds which blow from the coasts of Europe and Africa;
dissipated in the vast open space; utterly lose their force before
they reach the islands。 The soft western and southerly winds which
breathe upon them sometimes produce gentle sprinkling showers; which
they convey along with them from the sea; but more usually bring
days of moist; bright weather; cooling and gently fertilizing the
soil; so that the firm belief prevails; even among the barbarians;
that this is the seat of the blessed and that these are the Elysian
Fields celebrated by Homer。
  When Sertorius heard this account; he was seized with a wonderful
passion for these islands; and had an extreme desire to go and live
there in peace and quietness; and safe from oppression and unending
wars; but his inclinations being perceived by the Cilician pirates;
who desired not peace nor quiet; but riches and spoils; they
immediately forsook him and sailed away into Africa to assist Ascalis;
the son of Iphtha; and to help to restore him to his kingdom of
Mauritania。 Their sudden departure noways discouraged Sertorius; he
presently resolved to assist the enemies of Ascalis; and by this new
adventure trusted to keep his soldiers together。 who from this might
conceive new hopes; and a prospect of a new scene of action。 His
arrival in Mauritania being very acceptable to the Moors; he lost no
time; but immediately giving battle to Ascalis; beat him out of the
field and besieged him; and Paccianus being sent by Sylla; with a
powerful supply; to raise the siege; Sertorius slew him in the
field; gained over all his forces; and took the city of Tingis; into
which Ascalis and his brothers were fled for refuge。 The Africans tell
that Antaeus was buried in this city; and Sertorius had the grave
opened; doubting the story because of the prodigious size; and finding
there his body; in effect; it is said; full sixty cubits long; he
was infinitely astonished; offered sacrifice; and heaped up the tomb
again; gave his confirmation to the story; and added new honours to
the memory of Antaeus。 The Africans tell that after the death of
Antaeus; his wife Tinga lived with Hercules; and had a son by him
called Sophax; who was king of these countries; and gave his
mother's name to this city; whose son; also; was Diodorus; a great
conqueror; who brought the greatest part of the Libyan tribes under
his subjection; with an army of Greeks; raised out of the colonies
of the Olbians and Myceneans placed here by Hercules。 Thus much I
may mention for the sake of King Juba; of all monarchs the greatest
student of history whose ancestors are said to have sprung from
Diodorus and Sophax。
  When Sertorius had made himself absolute master of the whole
country; he acted with great fairness to those who had confided in
him; and who yielded to his mercy; he restored to them their property;
cities; and government; accepting only of such acknowledgments as they
themselves freely offered。 And whilst he considered which way next
to turn his arms; the Lusitanians sent ambassadors to desire him to be
their general; for being terrified with the Roman power; and finding
the necessity of having a commander of great authority and
experience in war; being also sufficiently assured of his worth and
valour by those who had formerly known him; they were desirous to
commit themselves especially to his care。 And in fact Sertorius is
said to have been of a temper unassailable either by fear or pleasure;
in adversity and dangers undaunted; and noways puffed up with
prosperity。 In straightforward fighting; no commander in his time
was more bold and daring; and in whatever was to be performed in war
by stratagem; secrecy; or surprise; if any strong place was to be
secured; any pass to be gained speedily; for deceiving and
overreaching an enemy; there was no man equal to him in subtlety and
skill。 In bestowing rewards and conferring honours upon those who
had performed good service in the wars; he was bountiful and
magnificent; and wa
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