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the story of an african farm-第35部分

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nothing that moves immutable; at the heart of all things; but on the

changeable will of a changeable being; whom our prayers can alter。  To us;

from the beginning; nature has been but a poor plastic thing; to be toyed

with this way or that; as man happens to please his deity or not; to go to

church or not; to say his prayers right or not; to travel on a Sunday or

not。  Was it possible for us in an instant to see Nature as she isthe

flowing vestment of an unchanging reality?  When the soul breaks free from

the arms of a superstition; bits of the claws and talons break themselves

off in him。  It is not the work of a day to squeeze them out。

And so; for us; the human…like driver and guide being gone; all existence;

as we look out at it with our chilled; wondering eyes; is an aimless rise

and swell of shifting waters。  In all that weltering chaos we can see no

spot so large as a man's hand on which we may plant our foot。

Whether a man believes in a human…like God or no is a small thing。  Whether

he looks into the mental and physical world and sees no relation between

cause and effect; no order; but a blind chance sporting; this is the

mightiest fact that can be recorded in any spiritual existence。  It were

almost a mercy to cut his throat; if indeed he does not do it for himself。

We; however; do not cut our throats。  To do so would imply some desire and

feeling; and we have no desire and no feeling; we are only cold。  We do not

wish to live; and we do not wish to die。  One day a snake curls itself

round the waist of a Kaffer woman。  We take it in our hand; swing it round

and round; and fling it on the grounddead。  Every one looks at us with

eyes of admiration。  We almost laugh。  Is it wonderful to risk that for

which we care nothing?

In truth; nothing matters。  This dirty little world full of confusion; and

the blue rag; stretched overhead for a sky; is so low we could touch it

with our hand。

Existence is a great pot; and the old Fate who stirs it round cares nothing

what rises to the top and what goes down; and laughs when the bubbles

burst。  And we do not care。  Let it boil about。  Why should we trouble

ourselves?  Nevertheless the physical sensations are real。  Hunger hurts;

and thirst; therefore we eat and drink:  inaction pains us; therefore we

work like galley…slaves。  No one demands it; but we set ourselves to build

a great dam in red sand beyond the graves。  In the grey dawn before the

sheep are let out we work at it。  All day; while the young ostriches we

tend feed about us; we work on through the fiercest heat。  The people

wonder what new spirit has seized us now。  They do not know we are working

for life。  We bear the greatest stones; and feel a satisfaction when we

stagger under them; and are hurt by a pang that shoots through our chest。 

While we eat our dinner we carry on baskets full of earth; as though the

devil drove us。  The Kaffer servants have a story that at night a witch and

two white oxen come to help us。  No wall; they say; could grow so quickly

under one man's hands。

At night; alone in our cabin; we sit no more brooding over the fire。  What

should we think of now?  All is emptiness。  So we take the old arithmetic;

and the multiplication table; which with so much pains we learnt long ago

and forgot directly; we learn now in a few hours; and never forget again。 

We take a strange satisfaction in working arithmetical problems。  We pause

in our building to cover the stones with figures and calculations。  We save

money for a Latin Grammar and Algebra; and carry them about in our pockets;

poring over them as over our Bible of old。  We have thought we were utterly

stupid; incapable of remembering anything; of learning anything。  Now we

find that all is easy。  Has a new soul crept into this old body; that even

our intellectual faculties are changed?  We marvel; not perceiving that

what a man expends in prayer and ecstasy he cannot have over for acquiring

knowledge。  You never shed a tear; or create a beautiful image; or quiver

with emotion; but you pay for it at the practical; calculating end of your

nature。  You have just so much force:  when the one channel runs over the

other runs dry。

And now we turn to Nature。  All these years we have lived beside her; and

we have never seen her; and now we open our eyes and look at her。

The rocks have been to us a blur of brown:  we bend over them; and the

disorganised masses dissolve into a many…coloured; many…shaped; carefully…

arranged form of existence。  Here masses of rainbow…tinted crystals; half…

fused together; there bands of smooth grey and red methodically overlying

each other。  This rock here is covered with a delicate silver tracery; in

some mineral; resembling leaves and branches; there on the flat stone; on

which we so often have sat to weep and pray; we look down; and see it

covered with the fossil footprints of great birds; and the beautiful

skeleton of a fish。  We have often tried to picture in our mind what the

fossiled remains of creatures must be like; and all the while we sat on

them; we have been so blinded by thinking and feeling that we have never

seen the world。

The flat plain has been to us a reach of monotonous red。  We look at it;

and every handful of sand starts into life。  That wonderful people; the

ants; we learn to know; see them make war and peace; play and work; and

build their huge palaces。  And that smaller people we make acquaintance

with; who live in the flowers。  The bitto flower has been for us a mere

blur of yellow; we find its heart composed of a hundred perfect flowers;

the homes of the tiny black people with red stripes; who move in and out in

that little yellow city。  Every bluebell has its inhabitant。  Every day the

karoo shows us a new wonder sleeping in its teeming bosom。

On our way back to work we pause and stand to see the ground…spider make

its trap; bury itself in the sand; and then wait for the falling in of its


Further on walks a horned beetle; and near him starts open the door of a

spider; who peeps out carefully; and quickly pulls it down again。  On a

karoo…bush a green fly is laying her silver eggs。  We carry them home; and

see the shells pierced; the spotted grub come out; turn to a green fly; and

flit away。  We are not satisfied with what Nature shows us; and we see

something for ourselves。  Under the white hen we put a dozen eggs; and

break one daily; to see the white spot wax into the chicken。  We are not

excited or enthusiastic about it; but a man is not to lay his throat open;

he must think of something。  So we plant seeds in rows on our dam…wall; and

pull one up daily to see how it goes with them。  Alladeen buried her

wonderful stone; and a golden palace sprung up at her feet。  We do far

more。  We put a brown seed in the earth; and a living thing starts out

starts upwardwhy; no more than Alladeen can we saystarts upward; and

does not desist till it is higher than our heads
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