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the black tulip-第12部分

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of the princely city of Dort; were born。 

Mynheer van Baerle the father had amassed in the Indian 

trade three or four hundred thousand guilders; which Mynheer 

van Baerle the son; at the death of his dear and worthy 

parents; found still quite new; although one set of them 

bore the date of coinage of 1640; and the other that of 

1610; a fact which proved that they were guilders of Van 

Baerle the father and of Van Baerle the grandfather; but we 

will inform the reader at once that these three or four 

hundred thousand guilders were only the pocket money; or 

sort of purse; for Cornelius van Baerle; the hero of this 

story; as his landed property in the province yielded him an 

income of about ten thousand guilders a year。 

When the worthy citizen; the father of Cornelius; passed 

from time into eternity; three months after having buried 

his wife; who seemed to have departed first to smooth for 

him the path of death as she had smoothed for him the path 

of life; he said to his son; as he embraced him for the last 


〃Eat; drink; and spend your money; if you wish to know what 

life really is; for as to toiling from morn to evening on a 

wooden stool; or a leathern chair; in a counting…house or a 

laboratory; that certainly is not living。 Your time to die 

will also come; and if you are not then so fortunate as to 

have a son; you will let my name grow extinct; and my 

guilders; which no one has ever fingered but my father; 

myself; and the coiner; will have the surprise of passing to 

an unknown master。 And least of all; imitate the example of 

your godfather; Cornelius de Witt; who has plunged into 

politics; the most ungrateful of all careers; and who will 

certainly come to an untimely end。〃 

Having given utterance to this paternal advice; the worthy 

Mynheer van Baerle died; to the intense grief of his son 

Cornelius; who cared very little for the guilders; and very 

much for his father。 

Cornelius then remained alone in his large house。 In vain 

his godfather offered to him a place in the public service; 

 in vain did he try to give him a taste for glory;  

although Cornelius; to gratify his godfather; did embark 

with De Ruyter upon 〃The Seven Provinces;〃 the flagship of a 

fleet of one hundred and thirty…nine sail; with which the 

famous admiral set out to contend singlehanded against the 

combined forces of France and England。 When; guided by the 

pilot Leger; he had come within musket…shot of the 〃Prince;〃 

with the Duke of York (the English king's brother) aboard; 

upon which De Ruyter; his mentor; made so sharp and well 

directed an attack that the Duke; perceiving that his vessel 

would soon have to strike; made the best of his way aboard 

the 〃Saint Michael〃; when he had seen the 〃Saint Michael;〃 

riddled and shattered by the Dutch broadside; drift out of 

the line; when he had witnessed the sinking of the 〃Earl of 

Sandwich;〃 and the death by fire or drowning of four hundred 

sailors; when he realized that the result of all this 

destruction  after twenty ships had been blown to pieces; 

three thousand men killed and five thousand injured  was 

that nothing was decided; that both sides claimed the 

victory; that the fighting would soon begin again; and that 

just one more name; that of Southwold Bay; had been added to 

the list of battles; when he had estimated how much time is 

lost simply in shutting his eyes and ears by a man who likes 

to use his reflective powers even while his fellow creatures 

are cannonading one another;  Cornelius bade farewell to 

De Ruyter; to the Ruart de Pulten; and to glory; kissed the 

knees of the Grand Pensionary; for whom he entertained the 

deepest veneration; and retired to his house at Dort; rich 

in his well…earned repose; his twenty…eight years; an iron 

constitution and keen perceptions; and his capital of more 

than four hundred thousands of florins and income of ten 

thousand; convinced that a man is always endowed by Heaven 

with too much for his own happiness; and just enough to make 

him miserable。 

Consequently; and to indulge his own idea of happiness; 

Cornelius began to be interested in the study of plants and 

insects; collected and classified the Flora of all the Dutch 

islands; arranged the whole entomology of the province; on 

which he wrote a treatise; with plates drawn by his own 

hands; and at last; being at a loss what to do with his 

time; and especially with his money; which went on 

accumulating at a most alarming rate; he took it into his 

head to select for himself; from all the follies of his 

country and of his age; one of the most elegant and 

expensive;  he became a tulip…fancier。 

It was the time when the Dutch and the Portuguese; rivalling 

each other in this branch of horticulture; had begun to 

worship that flower; and to make more of a cult of it than 

ever naturalists dared to make of the human race for fear of 

arousing the jealousy of God。 

Soon people from Dort to Mons began to talk of Mynheer van 

Baerle's tulips; and his beds; pits; drying…rooms; and 

drawers of bulbs were visited; as the galleries and 

libraries of Alexandria were by illustrious Roman 


Van Baerle began by expending his yearly revenue in laying 

the groundwork of his collection; after which he broke in 

upon his new guilders to bring it to perfection。 His 

exertions; indeed; were crowned with a most magnificent 

result: he produced three new tulips; which he called the 

〃Jane;〃 after his mother; the 〃Van Baerle;〃 after his 

father; and the 〃Cornelius;〃 after his godfather; the other 

names have escaped us; but the fanciers will be sure to find 

them in the catalogues of the times。 

In the beginning of the year 1672; Cornelius de Witt came to 

Dort for three months; to live at his old family mansion; 

for not only was he born in that city; but his family had 

been resident there for centuries。 

Cornelius; at that period; as William of Orange said; began 

to enjoy the most perfect unpopularity。 To his fellow 

citizens; the good burghers of Dort; however; he did not 

appear in the light of a criminal who deserved to be hung。 

It is true; they did not particularly like his somewhat 

austere republicanism; but they were proud of his valour; 

and when he made his entrance into their town; the cup of 

honour was offered to him; readily enough; in the name of 

the city。 

After having thanked his fellow citizens; Cornelius 

proceeded to his old paternal house; and gave directions for 

some repairs; which he wished to have executed before the 

arrival of his wife and children; and thence he wended his 

way to the house of his godson; who perhaps was the only 

person in Dort as yet unacquainted with the presence of 

Cornelius in the town。 

In the same degree as Cornelius de Witt had excited the 

hatred of the people by sowing those evil seeds which are
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