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19-the story of pretty goldilocks-第2部分

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Another day; as he journeyed on; he saw a raven in

great distress。 The poor bird was closely pursued by an

eagle; which would soon have eaten it up; had not Charming

quickly fitted an arrow to his bow and shot the eagle

dead。 The raven perched upon a tree very joyfully。

〃Charming;〃 said he; 〃it was very generous of you to

rescue a poor raven; I am not ungrateful; some day I will

repay you。〃

Charming thought it was very nice of the raven to say

so; and went on his way。

Before the sun rose he found himself in a thick wood

where it was too dark for him to see his path; and here

he heard an owl crying as if it were in despair。

〃Hark!〃 said he; 〃that must be an owl in great trouble;

I am sure it has gone into a snare〃; and he began to hunt

about; and presently found a great net which some bird…

catchers had spread the night before。

〃What a pity it is that men do nothing but torment and

persecute poor creatures which never do them any harm!〃

said he; and he took out his knife and cut the cords of the

net; and the owl flitted away into the darkness; but then

turning; with one flicker of her wings; she came back to

Charming and said:

〃It does not need many words to tell you how great a

service you have done me。 I was caught; in a few minutes

the fowlers would have been herewithout your help I

should have been killed。 I am grateful; and one day I

will repay you。〃

These three adventures were the only ones of any

consequence that befell Charming upon his journey; and he

made all the haste he could to reach the palace of the

Princess Goldilocks。

When he arrived he thought everything he saw delightful

and magnificent。 Diamonds were as plentiful as pebbles;

and the gold and silver; the beautiful dresses; the

sweetmeats and pretty things that were everywhere quite

amazed him; he thought to himself: 〃If the Princess

consents to leave all this; and come with me to marry the

King; he may think himself lucky!〃

Then he dressed himself carefully in rich brocade; with

scarlet and white plumes; and threw a splendid embroidered

scarf over his shoulder; and; looking as gay and as

graceful as possible; he presented himself at the door of

the palace; carrying in his arm a tiny pretty dog which he

had bought on the way。 The guards saluted him respectfully;

and a messenger was sent to the Princess to announce

the arrival of Charming as ambassador of her

neighbor the King。

〃Charming;〃 said the Princess; 〃the name promises

well; I have no doubt that he is good looking and

fascinates everybody。〃

〃Indeed he does; madam;〃 said all her maids of honor

in one breath。 〃We saw him from the window of the

garret where we were spinning flax; and we could do

nothing but look at him as long as he was in sight。〃

〃Well to be sure;〃 said the Princess; 〃that's how you

amuse yourselves; is it? Looking at strangers out of the

window! Be quick and give me my blue satin embroidered

dress; and comb out my golden hair。 Let somebody

make me fresh garlands of flowers; and give me my high…

heeled shoes and my fan; and tell them to sweep my great

hall and my throne; for I want everyone to say I am really

‘Pretty Goldilocks。'〃

You can imagine how all her maids scurried this way

and that to make the Princess ready; and how in their

haste they knocked their heads together and hindered

each other; till she thought they would never have done。

However; at last they led her into the gallery of mirrors

that she might assure herself that nothing was lacking in

her appearance; and then she mounted her throne of gold;

ebony; and ivory; while her ladies took their guitars and

began to sing softly。 Then Charming was led in; and was

so struck with astonishment and admiration that at first

not a word could he say。 But presently he took courage

and delivered his harangue; bravely ending by begging

the Princess to spare him the disappointment of going

back without her。

〃Sir Charming;〃 answered she; 〃all the reasons you

have given me are very good ones; and I assure you that

I should have more pleasure in obliging you than anyone

else; but you must know that a month ago as I was walking

by the river with my ladies I took off my glove; and

as I did so a ring that I was wearing slipped off my finger

and rolled into the water。 As I valued it more than my

kingdom; you may imagine how vexed I was at losing it;

and I vowed to never listen to any proposal of marriage

unless the ambassador first brought me back my ring。 So

now you know what is expected of you; for if you talked

for fifteen days and fifteen nights you could not make me

change my mind。〃

Charming was very much surprised by this answer; but

he bowed low to the Princess; and begged her to accept

the embroidered scarf and the tiny dog he had brought

with him。 But she answered that she did not want any

presents; and that he was to remember what she had just

told him。 When he got back to his lodging he went to bed

without eating any supper; and his little dog; who was

called Frisk; couldn't eat any either; but came and lay

down close to him。 All night Charming sighed and lamented。

〃How am I to find a ring that fell into the river a month

ago?〃 said he。 〃It is useless to try; the Princess must have

told me to do it on purpose; knowing it was impossible。〃

And then he sighed again。

Frisk heard him and said:

〃My dear master; don't despair; the luck may change;

you are too good not to be happy。 Let us go down to the

river as soon as it is light。〃

But Charming only gave him two little pats and said

nothing; and very soon he fell asleep。

At the first glimmer of dawn Frisk began to jump about;

and when he had waked Charming they went out together;

first into the garden; and then down to the river's

brink; where they wandered up and down。 Charming was

thinking sadly of having to go back unsuccessful when he

heard someone calling: 〃Charming; Charming!〃  He looked

all about him and thought he must be dreaming; as he

could not see anybody。 Then he walked on and the voice

called again: 〃Charming; Charming!〃

〃Who calls me?〃 said he。 Frisk; who was very small

and could look closely into the water; cried out: 〃I see a

golden carp coming。〃 And sure enough there was the

great carp; who said to Charming:

〃You saved my life in the meadow by the willow tree;

and I promised that I would repay you。 Take this; it is

Princess Goldilock's ring。〃 Charming took the ring out

of Dame Carp's mouth; thanking her a thousand times;

and he and tiny Frisk went straight to the palace; where

someone told the Princess that he was asking to see her。

〃Ah! poor fellow;〃 said she; 〃he must have come to say

good…by; finding it impossible to do as I asked。〃

So in came Charming; who presented her with the ring

and said:

〃Madam; I have done your bidding。 Will it please you

to marry my master?〃 When the Pr
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