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st. ives-第17部分

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friend!' said I。

'What like's all this collieshangie?' said he。

I had never heard of a collieshangie in my days; but with the 

racket all about us in the city; I could have no doubt as to the 

man's meaning。

'I do not know; sir; really;' said I; 'but I suppose some of the 

prisoners will have escaped。'

'Bedamned!' says he。

'Oh; sir; they will be soon taken;' I replied: 'it has been found 

in time。  Good morning; sir!'

'Ye walk late; sir?' he added。

'Oh; surely not;' said I; with a laugh。  'Earlyish; if you like!' 

which brought me finally beyond him; highly pleased with my 


I was now come forth on a good thoroughfare; which led (as well as 

I could judge) in my direction。  It brought me almost immediately 

through a piece of street; whence I could hear close by the 

springing of a watchman's rattle; and where I suppose a sixth part 

of the windows would be open; and the people; in all sorts of night 

gear; talking with a kind of tragic gusto from one to another。  

Here; again; I must run the gauntlet of a half…dozen questions; the 

rattle all the while sounding nearer; but as I was not walking 

inordinately quick; as I spoke like a gentleman; and the lamps were 

too dim to show my dress; I carried it off once more。  One person; 

indeed; inquired where I was off to at that hour。

I replied vaguely and cheerfully; and as I escaped at one end of 

this dangerous pass I could see the watchman's lantern entering by 

the other。  I was now safe on a dark country highway; out of sight 

of lights and out of the fear of watchmen。  And yet I had not gone 

above a hundred yards before a fellow made an ugly rush at me from 

the roadside。  I avoided him with a leap; and stood on guard; 

cursing my empty hands; wondering whether I had to do with an 

officer or a mere footpad; and scarce knowing which to wish。  My 

assailant stood a little; in the thick darkness I could see him bob 

and sidle as though he were feinting at me for an advantageous 

onfall。  Then he spoke。

'My goo' frien';' says he; and at the first word I pricked my ears; 

'my goo' frien'; will you oblishe me with lil neshary infamation?  

Whish roa' t' Cramond?'

I laughed out clear and loud; stepped up to the convivialist; took 

him by the shoulders and faced him about。  'My good friend;' said 

I; 'I believe I know what is best for you much better than 

yourself; and may God forgive you the fright you have given me!  

There; get you gone to Edinburgh!'  And I gave a shove; which he 

obeyed with the passive agility of a ball; and disappeared 

incontinently in the darkness down the road by which I had myself 


Once clear of this foolish fellow; I went on again up a gradual 

hill; descended on the other side through the houses of a country 

village; and came at last to the bottom of the main ascent leading 

to the Pentlands and my destination。  I was some way up when the 

fog began to lighten; a little farther; and I stepped by degrees 

into a clear starry night; and saw in front of me; and quite 

distinct; the summits of the Pentlands; and behind; the valley of 

the Forth and the city of my late captivity buried under a lake of 

vapour。  I had but one encounter … that of a farm…cart; which I 

heard; from a great way ahead of me; creaking nearer in the night; 

and which passed me about the point of dawn like a thing seen in a 

dream; with two silent figures in the inside nodding to the horse's 

steps。  I presume they were asleep; by the shawl about her head and 

shoulders; one of them should be a woman。  Soon; by concurrent 

steps; the day began to break and the fog to subside and roll away。  

The east grew luminous and was barred with chilly colours; and the 

Castle on its rock; and the spires and chimneys of the upper town; 

took gradual shape; and arose; like islands; out of the receding 

cloud。  All about me was still and sylvan; the road mounting and 

winding; with nowhere a sign of any passenger; the birds chirping; 

I suppose for warmth; the boughs of the trees knocking together; 

and the red leaves falling in the wind。

It was broad day; but still bitter cold and the sun not up; when I 

came in view of my destination。  A single gable and chimney of the 

cottage peeped over the shoulder of the hill; not far off; and a 

trifle higher on the mountain; a tall old white…washed farmhouse 

stood among the trees; beside a falling brook; beyond were rough 

hills of pasture。  I bethought me that shepherd folk were early 

risers; and if I were once seen skulking in that neighbourhood it 

might prove the ruin of my prospects; took advantage of a line of 

hedge; and worked myself up in its shadow till I was come under the 

garden wall of my friends' house。  The cottage was a little quaint 

place of many rough…cast gables and grey roofs。  It had something 

the air of a rambling infinitesimal cathedral; the body of it 

rising in the midst two storeys high; with a steep…pitched roof; 

and sending out upon all hands (as it were chapter…houses; chapels; 

and transepts) one…storeyed and dwarfish projections。  To add to 

this appearance; it was grotesquely decorated with crockets and 

gargoyles; ravished from some medieval church。  The place seemed 

hidden away; being not only concealed in the trees of the garden; 

but; on the side on which I approached it; buried as high as the 

eaves by the rising of the ground。  About the walls of the garden 

there went a line of well…grown elms and beeches; the first 

entirely bare; the last still pretty well covered with red leaves; 

and the centre was occupied with a thicket of laurel and holly; in 

which I could see arches cut and paths winding。

I was now within hail of my friends; and not much the better。  The 

house appeared asleep; yet if I attempted to wake any one; I had no 

guarantee it might not prove either the aunt with the gold 

eyeglasses (whom I could only remember with trembling); or some ass 

of a servant…maid who should burst out screaming at sight of me。  

Higher up I could hear and see a shepherd shouting to his dogs and 

striding on the rough sides of the mountain; and it was clear I 

must get to cover without loss of time。  No doubt the holly 

thickets would have proved a very suitable retreat; but there was 

mounted on the wall a sort of signboard not uncommon in the country 

of Great Britain; and very damping to the adventurous: SPRING GUNS 

AND MAN…TRAPS was the legend that it bore。  I have learned since 

that these advertisements; three times out of four; were in the 

nature of Quaker guns on a disarmed battery; but I had not learned 

it then; and even so; the odds would not have been good enough。  

For a choice; I would a hundred times sooner be returned to 

Edinburgh Castle and my corner in the bastion; than to leave my 

foot in a steel trap or have to digest the contents of an automatic 

blunderbuss。  There was but one chance left … that 
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