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hesiod, the homeric hymns, and homerica-第66部分

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ting believing the war was at an end。  But at this very time two serpents appeared and destroyed Laocoon and one of his two sons; a portent which so alarmed the followers of Aeneas that they withdrew to Ida。  Sinon then raised the fire… signal to the Achaeans; having previously got into the city by pretence。  The Greeks then sailed in from Tenedos; and those in the wooden horse came our and fell upon their enemies; killing many and storming the city。  Neoptolemus kills Priam who had fled to the altar of Zeus Herceius (1); Menelaus finds Helen and takes her to the ships; after killing Deiphobus; and Aias the son of Ileus; while trying to drag Cassandra away by force; tears away with her the image of Athena。  At this the Greeks are so enraged that they determine to stone Aias; who only escapes from the danger threatening him by taking refuge at the altar of Athena。  The Greeks; after burning the city; sacrifice Polyxena at the tomb of Achilles: Odysseus murders Astyanax; Neoptolemus takes Andromache as his prize; and the remaining spoils are divided。  Demophon and Acamas find Aethra and take her with them。  Lastly the Greeks sail away and Athena plans to destroy them on the high seas。

Fragment #2  Dionysus Halicarn; Rom。 Antiq。 i。 68: According to Arctinus; one Palladium was given to Dardanus by Zeus; and this was in Ilium until the city was taken。  It was hidden in a secret place; and a copy was made resembling the original in all points and set up for all to see; in order to deceive those who might have designs against it。  This copy the Achaeans took as a result of their plots。

Fragment #3  Scholiast on Euripedes; Andromache 10: The Cyclic poet who composed the 〃Sack〃 says that Astyanax was also hurled from the city wall。

Fragment #4  Scholiast on Euripedes; Troades 31: For the followers of Acamus and Demophon took no share  it is said  of the spoils; but only Aethra; for whose sake; indeed; they came to Ilium with Menestheus to lead them。  Lysimachus; however; says that the author of the 〃Sack〃 writes as follows: ‘The lord Agamemnon gave gifts to the Sons of Theseus and to bold Menestheus; shepherd of hosts。'

Fragment #5  Eustathius on Iliad; xiii。 515: Some say that such praise as this (1) does not apply to physicians generally; but only to Machaon: and some say that he only practised surgery; while Podaleirius treated sicknesses。  Arctinus in the 〃Sack of Ilium〃 seems to be of this opinion when he says:

(ll。 1…8) ‘For their father the famous Earth…Shaker gave both of them gifts; making each more glorious than the other。  To the one he gave hands more light to draw or cut out missiles from the flesh and to heal all kinds of wounds; but in the heart of the other he put full and perfect knowledge to tell hidden diseases and cure desperate sicknesses。  It was he who first noticed Aias' flashing eyes and clouded mind when he was enraged。'

Fragment #6  Diomedes in Gramm。; Lat。 i。 477: ‘Iambus stood a little while astride with foot advanced; that so his strained limbs might get power and have a show of ready strength。'


(1)  sc。 knowledge of both surgery and of drugs。

THE RETURNS (fragments)

Fragment #1  Proclus; Chrestomathia; ii: After the 〃Sack of Ilium〃 follow the 〃Returns〃 in five books by Agias of Troezen。  Their contents are as follows。  Athena causes a quarrel between Agamemnon and Menelaus about the voyage from Troy。  Agamemnon then stays on to appease the anger of Athena。  Diomedes and Nestor put out to sea and get safely home。  After them Menelaus sets out and reaches Egypt with five ships; the rest having been destroyed on the high seas。  Those with Calchas; Leontes; and Polypoetes go by land to Colophon and bury Teiresias who died there。  When Agamemnon and his followers were sailing away; the ghost of Achilles appeared and tried to prevent them by foretelling what should befall them。  The storm at the rocks called Capherides is then described; with the end of Locrian Aias。  Neoptolemus; warned by Thetis; journeys overland and; coming into Thrace; meets Odysseus at Maronea; and then finishes the rest of his journey after burying Phoenix who dies on the way。  He himself is recognized by Peleus on reaching the Molossi。

Then comes the murder of Agamemnon by Aegisthus and Clytaemnestra; followed by the vengeance of Orestes and Pylades。  Finally; Menelaus returns home。

Fragment #2  Argument to Euripides Medea: ‘Forthwith Medea made Aeson a sweet young boy and stripped his old age from him by her cunning skill; when she had made a brew of many herbs in her golden cauldrons。'

Fragment #3  Pausanias; i。 2: The story goes that Heracles was besieging Themiscyra on the Thermodon and could not take it; but Antiope; being in love with Theseus who was with Heracles on this expedition; betrayed the place。  Hegias gives this account in his poem。

Fragment #4  Eustathius; 1796。 45: The Colophonian author of the 〃Returns〃 says that Telemachus afterwards married Circe; while Telegonus the son of Circe correspondingly married Penelope。

Fragment #5  Clement of Alex。 Strom。; vi。 2。 12。 8: ‘For gifts beguile men's minds and their deeds as well。' (1)

Fragment #6  Pausanias; x。 28。 7: The poetry of Homer and the 〃Returns〃  for here too there is an account of Hades and the terrors there  know of no spirit named Eurynomus。

Athenaeus; 281 B: The writer of the 〃Return of the Atreidae〃 (2) says that Tantalus came and lived with the gods; and was permitted to ask for whatever he desired。  But the man was so immoderately given to pleasures that he asked for these and for a life like that of the gods。  At this Zeus was annoyed; but fulfilled his prayer because of his own promise; but to prevent him from enjoying any of the pleasures provided; and to keep him continually harassed; he hung a stone over his head which prevents him from ever reaching any of the pleasant things near by。


(1)  Clement attributes this line to Augias: probably Agias is      intended。 (2)  Identical with the 〃Returns〃; in which the Sons of Atreus      occupy the most prominent parts。

THE TELEGONY (fragments)

Fragment #1  Proclus; Chrestomathia; ii: After the 〃Returns〃 comes the 〃Odyssey〃 of Homer; and then the 〃Telegony〃 in two books by Eugammon of Cyrene; which contain the following matters。  The suitors of Penelope are buried by their kinsmen; and Odysseus; after sacrificing to the Nymphs; sails to Elis to inspect his herds。  He is entertained there by Polyxenus and receives a mixing bowl as a gift; the story of Trophonius and Agamedes and Augeas then follows。  He next sails back to Ithaca and performs the sacrifices ordered by Teiresias; and then goes to Thesprotis where he marries Callidice; queen of the Thesprotians。  A war then breaks out between the Thesprotians; led by Odysseus; and the Brygi。  Ares routs the army of Odysseus and Athena engages with Ares; until Apollo separates them。  After the death of Callidice Polypoetes; the son of Odysseus; succeeds to the kingdom; while Odysseus himself returns to Ithaca。  In the meantime Telegonus; while travelling in search of his father; lands on Ithaca and ravages the island: Odysseus comes out to defend his country; 
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