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challenged Metellus to fight singly with him; they commended it; and
cried out it was a fair offer; a Roman to fight against a Roman; and a
general against a general; and when Metellus refused the challenge;
they reproached him。 Metellus derided and contemned this; and
rightly so; for; as Theophrastus observes; a general should die like a
general; and not like a skirmisher。 But perceiving that the town of
the Langobritae; which gave great assistance to Sertorius; might
easily be taken for want of water; as there was but one well within
the walls; and the besieger would be master of the springs and
fountains in the suburbs; he advanced against the place; expecting
to carry it in two days' time; there being no more water; and gave
command to his soldiers to take five days' provision only。
Sertorius; however; resolving to send speedy relief; ordered two
thousand skins to be filled with water; naming a considerable sum of
money for the carriage of every skin; and many Spaniards and Moors
undertaking the work; he chose out those who were the strongest and
swiftest of foot; and sent them through the mountains; with order that
when they had delivered the water; they should convey away privately
all those who would be least serviceable in the siege; that there
might be water sufficient for the defendants。 As soon as Metellus
understood this; he was disturbed; as he had already consumed most
part of the necessary provisions for his army; but he sent out Aquinus
with six thousand soldiers to fetch in fresh supplies。 But Sertorius
having notice of it; laid an ambush for him; and having sent out
beforehand three thousand men to take post in a thickly wooded
water…course; with these he attacked the rear of Aquinus in his
return; while he himself; charging him in the front; destroyed part of
his army; and took the rest prisoners; Aquinus only escaping; after
the loss of both his horse and his armour。 And Metellus; being
forced shamefully to raise the siege; withdrew amidst the laughter and
contempt of the Spaniards; while Sertorius became yet more the
object of their esteem and admiration。
  He was also highly honoured for his introducing discipline and
good order amongst them; for he altered their furious savage manner of
fighting; and brought them to make use of the Roman armour; taught
them to keep their ranks; and observe signals and watchwards; and
out of a confused number of thieves and robbers he constituted a
regular; well…disciplined army。 He bestowed silver and gold upon
them liberally to gild and adorn their helmets; he had their shields
worked with various figures and designs; he brought them into the mode
of wearing flowered and embroidered cloaks and coats; and by supplying
money for these purposes; and joining with them in all improvements;
he won the hearts of all。 That; however; which delighted them most was
the care that he took of their children。 He sent for all the boys of
noblest parentage out of all their tribes; and placed them in the
great city of Osca; where he appointed masters to instruct them in the
Grecian and Roman learning。 that when they came to be men; they might;
as he professed; be fitted to share with him in authority; and in
conducting the government; although under this pretext he really
made them hostages。 However; their fathers were wonderfully pleased to
see their children going daily to the schools in good order;
handsomely dressed in gowns edged with purple; and that Sertorius paid
for their lessons; examined them often; distributed rewards to the
most deserving; and gave them the golden bosses to hang about their
necks; which the Romans called bullae。
  There being a custom in Spain that when a commander was slain in
battle; those who attended his person fought it out till they all died
with him; which the inhabitants of those countries called an offering;
or libation; there were few commanders that had any considerable guard
or number of attendants; but Sertorius was followed by many
thousands who offered themselves; and vowed to spend their blood
with his。 And it is told that when his army was defeated near a city
in Spain; and the enemy pressed hard upon them; the Spaniards; with no
care for themselves; but being totally solicitous to save Sertorius;
took him upon their shoulders and passed him from one to another; till
they carried him into the city; and only when they had thus placed
their general in safety; provided afterwards each man for his own
  Nor were the Spaniards alone ambitious to serve him; but the Roman
soldiers; also; that came out of Italy; were impatient to be under his
command; and when Perpenna Vento; who was of the same faction with
Sertorius; came into Spain with a quantity of money and a large number
of troops; and designed to make war against Metellus on his own
account; his own soldiers opposed it; and talked continually of
Sertorius; much to the mortification of Perpenna; who was puffed up
with the grandeur of his family and his riches。 And when they
afterwards received tidings that Pompey was passing the Pyrenees; they
took up their arms laid hold on their ensigns; called upon Perpenna to
lead them to Sertorius; and threatened him that if he refused they
would go without him and place themselves under a commander who was
able to defend himself and those that served him。 And so Perpenna
was obliged to yield to their desires; and joining Sertorius; added to
his army three…and…fifty cohorts。
  When now all the cities on this side of the river Ebro also united
their forces together under his command; his army grew great; for they
flocked together and flowed in upon him from all quarters。 But when
they continually cried out to attack the enemy; and were impatient
of delay; their inexperienced; disorderly rashness caused Sertorius
much trouble; who at first strove to restrain them with reason and
good counsel; but when he perceived them refractory and unseasonably
violent; he gave way to their impetuous desires; and permitted them to
engage with the enemy; in such sort that they might; being repulsed;
yet not totally routed become more obedient to his commands for the
future。 Which happening as he had anticipated; he soon rescued them;
and brought them safe into his camp。 After a few days; being willing
to encourage them again; when he had called all his army together;
he caused two horses to be brought into the field; one old; feeble;
lean animal the other a lusty; strong horse; with a remarkably thick
and long tail。 Near the lean one he placed a tall; strong man; and
near the strong young horse a weak; despicable…looking fellow; and
at a sign given; the strong man took hold of the weak horse's tail
with both his hands; and drew it to him with his whole force; as if he
would pull it off; the other; the weak man; in the meantime; set to
work to pluck off hair by hair from the great horse's tail。 When the
strong man had given trouble enough to himself in vain; and sufficient
diversion to the company; and had abandoned his attempt; whilst the
weak; pitiful fellow in a short time and with little pains had left
not a hair on the great horse's tail; Sertorius rose up 
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