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weak; pitiful fellow in a short time and with little pains had left
not a hair on the great horse's tail; Sertorius rose up and spoke to
his army。 〃You see; fellow…soldiers; that perseverance is more
prevailing than violence; and that many things which cannot be
overcome when they are together; yield themselves up when taken little
by little。 Assiduity and persistence are irresistible; and in time
overthrow and destroy the greatest powers whatever。 Time being the
favourable friend and assistant of those who use their judgment to
await his occasions; and the destructive enemy of those who are
unreasonably urging and pressing forward。〃 With a frequent use of such
words and such devices; he soothed the fierceness of the barbarous
people; and taught them to attend and watch for their opportunities。
  Of all his remarkable exploits; none raised greater admiration
than that which he put in practice against the Characitanians。 These
are a people beyond the river Tagus; who inhabit neither cities nor
towns; but live in a vast high hill; within the deep dens and caves of
the rocks; the mouths of which open all towards the north。 The country
below is of a soil resembling a light clay; so loose as easily to
break into powder; and is not firm enough to bear any one that
treads upon it; and if you touch it in the least it flies about like
ashes or unslacked lime。 In any danger of war; these people
descended into their caves; and carrying in their booty and prey along
with them; stayed quietly within; secure from every attack。 And when
Sertorius; leaving Metellus some distance off; had placed his camp
near this hill; they slighted and despised him; imagining that he
retired into these parts; being overthrown by the Romans。 And
whether out of anger or resentment; or out of his unwillingness to
be thought to fly from his enemies; early in the morning he rode up to
view the situation of the place。 But finding there was no way to
come at it; as he rode about; threatening them in vain and
disconcerted; he took notice that the wind raised the dust and carried
it up towards the caves of the Characitanians; the mouths of which; as
I said before; opened towards the north; and the northern wind;
which some call Caecias; prevailing most in those parts; coming up out
of moist plains or mountains covered with snow; at this particular
time; in the heat of summer; being further supplied and increased by
the melting of the ice in the northern regions; blew a delightful
fresh gale; cooling and refreshing the Characitanians and their cattle
all the day long。 Sertorius; considering well all circumstances in
which either the information of the inhabitants or his own
experience had instructed him; commanded his soldiers to shovel up a
great quantity of this light; dusty earth; to heap it up together; and
make a mount of it over against the hill in which those barbarous
people resided; who; imagining that all this preparation was for
raising a mound to get at them; only mocked and laughed at it。
However; he continued the work till the evening; and brought his
soldiers back into their camp。
  The next morning a gentle breeze at first arose; and moved the
lightest parts of the earth and dispersed it about as the chaff before
the wind; but when the sun coming to be higher; the strong northerly
wind had covered the hills with the dust; the soldiers came and turned
this mound of earth over and over; and broke the hard clods in pieces;
whilst others on horseback rode through it backward and forward; and
raised a cloud of dust into the air: there with the wind the whole
of it was carried away and blown into the dwellings of the
Characitanians; all lying open to the north。 And there being no
other vent or breathing…place than that through which the Caecias
rushed in upon them; it quickly blinded their eyes and filled their
lungs; and all but choked them; whilst they strove to draw in the
rough air mingled with dust and powdered earth。 Nor were they able;
with all they could do; to hold out above two days; but yielding up
themselves on the third; adding; by their defeat; not so much of the
power of Sertorius; as to his renown; in proving that he was able to
conquer places by art; which were impregnable by the force of arms。
  So long as he had to do with Metellus; he was thought to owe his
successes to his opponent's age and slow temper; which were ill suited
for coping with the daring and activity of one who commanded a light
army more like a band of robbers than regular soldiers。 But when
Pompey also passed over the Pyrenees; and Sertorius pitched his camp
near him; and offered and himself accepted every occasion by which
military skill could be put to the proof; and in this contest of
dexterity was found to have the better; both in baffling his enemy's
designs and in counter…scheming himself; the fame of him now spread
even to Rome itself; as the most expert commander of his time。 For the
renown of Pompey was not small; who had already won much honour by his
achievements in the wars of Sylla; from whom he received the title
of Magnus; and was called Pompey the Great; and who had risen to the
honour of a triumph before the beard had grown on his face。 And many
cities which were under Sertorius were on the very eve of revolting
and going over to Pompey; when they were deterred from it by that
great action; amongst others; which he performed near the city of
Lauron; contrary to the expectation of all。
  For Sertorius had laid siege to Lauron; and Pompey came with his
whole army to relieve it; and there being a hill near this city very
advantageously situated; they both made haste to take it。 Sertorius
was beforehand; and took possession of it first; and Pompey; having
drawn down his forces; was not sorry that it had thus happened;
imagining that he had hereby enclosed his enemy between his own army
and the city; and sent in a messenger to the citizens of Lauron; to
bid them be of good courage; and to come upon their walls; where
they might see their besieger besieged。 Sertorius; perceiving their
intentions; smiled; and said he would now teach Sylla's scholar; for
so he called Pompey in derision; that it was the part of a general
to look as well behind him as before him; and at the same time
showed them six thousand soldiers; whom he had left in his former
camp; from whence he marched out to take the hill; where; if Pompey
should assault him; they might fall upon his rear。 Pompey discovered
this too late and not daring to give battle; for fear of being
encompassed; and yet being ashamed to desert his friends and
confederates in their extreme danger; was thus forced to sit still;
and see them ruined before his face。 For the besieged despaired of
relief; and delivered up themselves to Sertorius; who spared their
lives and granted them their liberty; but burnt their city; not out of
anger or cruelty; for of all commanders that ever were Sertorius
seemed least of all to have indulged these passions; but only for
the greater shame and confusion of the admirers of Pompey; and that it
might be reported amongst the Spaniards; that though he had been so
close to the fire which bu
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