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the story of an african farm-第79部分

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way myself;〃 said Tant Sannie; sorrowfully; 〃but I've done my best。〃

She rose with some difficulty from her chair; and began moving slowly

toward the door。

〃It's a strange thing;〃 she said; 〃but you can't love a man till you've had

a baby by him。  Now there's that boy there; when we were first married if

he only sneezed in the night I boxed his ears; now if he lets his pipe…ash

come on my milk…cloths I don't think of laying a finger on him。  There's

nothing like being married;〃 said Tant Sannie; as she puffed toward the

door。  〃If a woman's got a baby and a husband she's got the best things the

Lord can give her; if only the baby doesn't have convulsions。  As for a

husband; it's very much the same who one has。  Some men are fat; and some

men are thin; some men drink brandy; and some men drink gin; but it all

comes to the same thing in the end; it's all one。  A man's a man; you


Here they came upon Gregory; who was sitting in the shade before the house。

Tant Sannie shook hands with him。

〃I'm glad you're going to get married;〃 she said。  〃I hope you'll have as

many children in five years as a cow has calves; and more too。  I think

I'll just go and have a look at your soap…pot before I start;〃 she said;

turning to Em。  〃Not that I believe in this new plan of putting soda in the

pot。  If the dear Father had meant soda to be put into soap what would He

have made milk…bushes for; and stuck them all over the veld as thick as

lambs in the lambing season?〃

She waddled off after Em in the direction of the built…in soap…pot; leaving

Gregory as they found him; with his dead pipe lying on the bench beside

him; and his blue eyes gazing out far across the flat; like one who sits on

the seashore watching that which is fading; fading from him。

Against his breast was a letter found in the desk addressed to himself; but

never posted。  It held only four words:  〃You must marry Em。〃  He wore it

in a black bag round his neck。  It was the only letter she had ever written

to him。

〃You see if the sheep don't have the scab this year!〃 said Tant Sannie as

she waddled after Em。  〃It's with all these new inventions that the wrath

of God must fall on us。  What were the children of Israel punished for; if

it wasn't for making a golden calf?  I may have my sins; but I do remember

the tenth commandment:  'Honour thy father and mother that it may be well

with thee; and that thou mayest live long in the land which the Lord thy

God giveth thee!'  It's all very well to say we honour them; and then to be

finding out things that they never knew; and doing things in a way that

they never did them!  My mother boiled soap with bushes; and I will boil

soap with bushes。  If the wrath of God is to fall upon this land;〃 said

Tant Sannie; with the serenity of conscious virtue; 〃it shall not be

through me。〃

〃Let them make their steam…wagons and their fire…carriages; let them go on

as though the dear Lord didn't know what he was about when He gave horses

and oxen legsthe destruction of the Lord will follow them。  I don't know

how such people read their Bibles。  When do we hear of Moses or Noah riding

in a railway?  The Lord sent fire…carriages out of heaven in those days: 

there's no chance of His sending them for us if we go on in this way;〃 said

Tant Sannie sorrowfully; thinking of the splendid chance which this

generation had lost。

Arrived at the soap…pot she looked over into it thoughtfully。

〃Depend upon it you'll get the itch; or some other disease; the blessing of

the Lord'll never rest upon it;〃 said the Boer…woman。  Then suddenly she

broke forth。  〃And she eighty…two; and goats; and rams; and eight thousand

morgen; and the rams real angora; and two thousand sheep; and a short…horn

bull;〃 said Tant Sannie; standing upright and planting a hand on each hip。

Em looked at her in silent wonder。  Had connubial bliss and the joys of

motherhood really turned the old Boer…woman's head?

〃Yes;〃 said Tant Sannie; 〃I had almost forgotten to tell you。  By the Lord

if I had him here!  We were walking to church last Sacrament Sunday; Piet

and I。  Close in front of us with old Tant Trana; with dropsy and cancer;

and can't live eight months。  Walking by her was something with its hands

under its coat…tails; flap; flap; flap; and its chin in the air; and a

stick…up collar; and the black hat on the very back of the head。  I knew

him!  'Who's that?' I asked。  'The rich Englishman that Tant Trana married

last week。'  'Rich Englishman!  I'll rich Englishman him;' I said; 'I'll

tell Tant Trana a thing or two。  My fingers were just in his little white

curls。  If it hadn't been the blessed Sacrament; he wouldn't have walked so

sourka; sourka; sourka; any more。  But I thought。  Wait till I've had it;

and then。  But he; sly fox; son of Satan; seed of the Amalekite; he saw

me looking at him in the church。

〃The blessed Sacrament wasn't half over when he takes Tant Trana by the

arm; and out they go。  I clap my baby down to its father; and I go after

them。  But;〃 said Tant Sannie; regretfully; 〃I couldn't get up to them; I

am too fat。  When I got to the corner he was pulling Tant Trana up into the

cart。  'Tant Trana;' I said; 'you've married a Kaffer's dog; a Hottentot's

brakje。'  I hadn't any more breath。  He winked at me; he winked at ME;〃

said Tant Sannie; her sides shaking with indignation; 〃first with one eye;

and then with the other; and then drove away。  Child of the Amalekite!〃

said Tant Sannie; 〃if it hadn't been the blessed Sacrament。  Lord; Lord;


Here the little Bush…girl came running to say that the horses would stand

no longer; and still breathing out vengeance against her old adversary she

laboured toward the cart。  Shaking hands and affectionately kissing Em; she

was with some difficulty drawn up。  Then slowly the cart rolled away; the

good Boer…woman putting her head out between the sails to smile and nod。

Em stood watching it for a time; then as the sun dazzled her eyes she

turned away。  There was no use in going to sit with Gregory! he liked best

sitting there alone; staring across the the green karoo; and till the maid

had done churning there was nothing to do; so Em walked away to the wagon…

house; and climbed on to the end of Waldo's table; and sat there; swinging

one little foot slowly to and fro; while the wooden curls from the plane

heaped themselves up against her black print dress。

〃Waldo;〃 she said at last; 〃Gregory has given me the money he got for the

wagon and oxen; and I have fifty pounds besides that once belonged to some

one。  I know what they would have liked to have done with it。  You must

take it and go to some place and study for a year or two。〃

〃No; little one; I will not take it;〃 he said; as he planed slowly away;

〃the time was when I would have been very grateful to any one who would

have given me a little money; a little help; a little power of gaining

knowledge。  But now; I have gon
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