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the black tulip-第35部分

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to your father; or to you; 'My good sir; or my good miss; my 

child is here; see how grieved I am; let me see him only for 

one hour; and I'll pray for you as long as I live。' No; no;〃 

continued Cornelius; 〃with the exception of my poor old Sue; 

I have no friends in this world。〃 

〃Then I come back to what I thought before; and the more so 

as last evening at sunset; whilst I was arranging the border 

where I am to plant your bulb; I saw a shadow gliding 

between the alder trees and the aspens。 I did not appear to 

see him; but it was this man。 He concealed himself and saw 

me digging the ground; and certainly it was me whom he 

followed; and me whom he was spying after。 I could not move 

my rake; or touch one atom of soil; without his noticing 


〃Oh; yes; yes; he is in love with you;〃 said Cornelius。 〃Is 

he young? Is he handsome?〃 

Saying this he looked anxiously at Rosa; eagerly waiting for 

her answer。 

〃Young? handsome?〃 cried Rosa; bursting into a laugh。 〃He is 

hideous to look at; crooked; nearly fifty years of age; and 

never dares to look me in the face; or to speak; except in 

an undertone。〃 

〃And his name?〃 

〃Jacob Gisels。〃 

〃I don't know him。〃 

〃Then you see that; at all events; he does not come after 


〃At any rate; if he loves you; Rosa; which is very likely; 

as to see you is to love you; at least you don't love him。〃 

〃To be sure I don't。〃 

〃Then you wish me to keep my mind easy?〃 

〃I should certainly ask you to do so。〃 

〃Well; then; now as you begin to know how to read you will 

read all that I write to you of the pangs of jealousy and of 

absence; won't you; Rosa?〃 

〃I shall read it; if you write with good big letters。〃 

Then; as the turn which the conversation took began to make 

Rosa uneasy; she asked;  

〃By the bye; how is your tulip going on?〃 

〃Oh; Rosa; only imagine my joy; this morning I looked at it 

in the sun; and after having moved the soil aside which 

covers the bulb; I saw the first sprouting of the leaves。 

This small germ has caused me a much greater emotion than 

the order of his Highness which turned aside the sword 

already raised at the Buytenhof。〃 

〃You hope; then?〃 said Rosa; smiling。 

〃Yes; yes; I hope。〃 

〃And I; in my turn; when shall I plant my bulb?〃 

〃Oh; the first favourable day I will tell you; but; whatever 

you do; let nobody help you; and don't confide your secret 

to any one in the world; do you see; a connoisseur by merely 

looking at the bulb would be able to distinguish its value; 

and so; my dearest Rosa; be careful in locking up the third 

sucker which remains to you。〃 

〃It is still wrapped up in the same paper in which you put 

it; and just as you gave it me。 I have laid it at the bottom 

of my chest under my point lace; which keeps it dry; without 

pressing upon it。 But good night; my poor captive 


〃How? already?〃 

〃It must be; it must be。〃 

〃Coming so late and going so soon。〃 

〃My father might grow impatient not seeing me return; and 

that precious lover might suspect a rival。〃 

Here she listened uneasily。 

〃What is it?〃 asked Van Baerle。 〃I thought I heard 


〃What; then?〃 

〃Something like a step; creaking on the staircase。〃 

〃Surely;〃 said the prisoner; 〃that cannot be Master Gryphus; 

he is always heard at a distance〃 

〃No; it is not my father; I am quite sure; but  〃 


〃But it might be Mynheer Jacob。〃 

Rosa rushed toward the staircase; and a door was really 

heard rapidly to close before the young damsel had got down 

the first ten steps。 

Cornelius was very uneasy about it; but it was after all 

only a prelude to greater anxieties。 

The flowing day passed without any remarkable incident。 

Gryphus made his three visits; and discovered nothing。 He 

never came at the same hours as he hoped thus to discover 

the secrets of the prisoner。 Van Baerle; therefore; had 

devised a contrivance; a sort of pulley; by means of which 

he was able to lower or to raise his jug below the ledge of 

tiles and stone before his window。 The strings by which this 

was effected he had found means to cover with that moss 

which generally grows on tiles; or in the crannies of the 


Gryphus suspected nothing; and the device succeeded for 

eight days。 One morning; however; when Cornelius; absorbed 

in the contemplation of his bulb; from which a germ of 

vegetation was already peeping forth; had not heard old 

Gryphus coming upstairs as a gale of wind was blowing which 

shook the whole tower; the door suddenly opened。 

Gryphus; perceiving an unknown and consequently a forbidden 

object in the hands of his prisoner; pounced upon it with 

the same rapidity as the hawk on its prey。 

As ill luck would have it; his coarse; hard hand; the same 

which he had broken; and which Cornelius van Baerle had set 

so well; grasped at once in the midst of the jug; on the 

spot where the bulb was lying in the soil。 

〃What have you got here?〃 he roared。 〃Ah! have I caught 

you?〃 and with this he grabbed in the soil。 

〃I? nothing; nothing;〃 cried Cornelius; trembling。 

〃Ah! have I caught you? a jug and earth in it There is some 

criminal secret at the bottom of all this。〃 

〃Oh; my good Master Gryphus;〃 said Van Baerle; imploringly; 

and anxious as the partridge robbed of her young by the 


In fact; Gryphus was beginning to dig the soil with his 

crooked fingers。 

〃Take care; sir; take care;〃 said Cornelius; growing quite 


〃Care of what? Zounds! of what?〃 roared the jailer。 

〃Take care; I say; you will crush it; Master Gryphus。〃 

And with a rapid and almost frantic movement he snatched the 

jug from the hands of Gryphus; and hid it like a treasure 

under his arms。 

But Gryphus; obstinate; like an old man; and more and more 

convinced that he was discovering here a conspiracy against 

the Prince of Orange; rushed up to his prisoner; raising his 

stick; seeing; however; the impassible resolution of the 

captive to protect his flower…pot he was convinced that 

Cornelius trembled much less for his head than for his jug。 

He therefore tried to wrest it from him by force。 

〃Halloa!〃 said the jailer; furious; 〃here; you see; you are 


〃Leave me my tulip;〃 cried Van Baerle。 

〃Ah; yes; tulip;〃 replied the old man; 〃we know well the 

shifts of prisoners。〃 

〃But I vow to you  〃 

〃Let go;〃 repeated Gryphus; stamping his foot; 〃let go; or I 

shall call the guard。〃 

〃Call whoever you like; but you shall not have this flower 

except with my life。〃 

Gryphus; exasperated; plunged his finger a second time into 

the soil; and now he drew out the bulb; which certainly 

looked quite black; and whilst Van Baerle; quite happy to 
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