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达芬奇密码 作者: 美 丹·布朗(英文版)

达芬奇密码 作者: 美 丹·布朗(英文版)封面 小说类别:恐怖悬拟 上传者:不是就是 作者:未知
小说大小:810K 完结状态:全本 更新时间:2019-08-24
总点击:161 总推荐:0 总收藏:0
月点击:164 月推荐:0 月收藏:0
周点击:92 周推荐:0 周收藏:0


BY:Dan Brown______________________________________________FOR BLYTHE... AGAIN. MORE THAN EVER.AcknowledgmentsFirst and foremost, to my friend and editor, Jason Kaufman, for working so hard on this project and for truly understanding what this book is all about. And to the inparable Heide Lange—tireless champion of The Da Vinci Code, agent extraordinaire, and trusted friend.I cannot fully express my gratitude to the exceptional team at Doubleday, for their generosity, faith, and superb guidance. Thank you especially to Bill Thomas and Steve Rubin, who believed in this book from the start. My thanks also to the initial core of early in-house supporters, headed by Michael Palgon, Suzanne Herz,

《达芬奇密码 作者: 美 丹·布朗(英文版)》在线阅读目录

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